Translation: It(bottle) is crushed or shatteredPart of Speech: verb animate intransitiveMeanings:- crushed or shattered
- busted
Example of word used in a sentence:- Text: Mut e'waw na malige'w, pasge'g, ma goqwei gnnmug.Translation: Don't use that barrel, it is busted, it won't hold anything.Recording: Recording by dmm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: bas·keegAlternate Grammatical Forms:- pasge'gig -- They are crushed or shattered -- (third person dual animate)
- pasgo'ltijig -- They are crushed or shattered -- (third person plural animate)
Translation: It is crushed or shatteredPart of Speech: verb inanimate intransitiveMeanings:- crushed or shattered
- busted
Example of word used in a sentence:- Text: Ango'te'n ta'n elpugua'sin, pegtew pasge'g alagweg.Translation: Watch where you step, there's shattered glass here.Recording: Recording by jnw 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: bas·keegAlternate Grammatical Forms:- pasge'gl -- They are crushed or shattered -- (third person plural inanimate)
Related entries for category "break"
- nugjaqa'latl : squash / crush it
- nugjaqa'toq : squash / crush it
- nugjaqta'tl : smash to bits / mash
- nugjaqtesg'g : crush by stomping / stomp
- nugjaqtesguatl : stomp to bits / crush by stomping
- pasge'g : crushed or shattered / busted / crushed or shattered / busted
- pasginoqjing : tear or split (from freezing)
- pasgipiasit : split or cracked (from dryness)
- pasgipiateg : split or cracked (from dryness)
- pasgoqjing : cracked or split (from excessive cold)
- pasgoqsit : shattered (from excessive heat) / pierced (from heat) / burst (from excessive heat)
- pasgoqt'g : crack or split (from excessive cold)
- pasgoqteg : burst (from excessive heat) / shatter (from excessive heat)
- pastesg : burst
- pastesing : burst
- pemitma's'g : start to break (ice)
- pemitma'sit : start to break
- pesipga'toq : breaks wire / breaks leather thong
- pesipgeget : break (rope, string or chain) in two
- pesipgegetl : breaks rope or cable / breaks line
- sewisga'latl : break / break in (horse)
- sewisga'toq : break
- sewisgiaq : shred / come apart / break up
- sewisgiet : come apart / break up / shred
- sewisgina'latl : rip or tear apart
- sewisgina'toq : rip or tear apart
- sewisgoqsit : break up (in fire) / come apart (in fire)
- sewisgoqteg : break up (in fire)
- sewista'tl : pound or hack to bits
- sewistamit : destroy by gnawing / break up by gnawing
- sewiste'g : pound or hack to bits
- sewistestoq : smash
- sewisto'gweg : break up (through action of water)
- sewisto'gwet : break up (through action of water)
- tema'latl : break in two
- tema'sit : breaks off
- tema'toq : break slowly in two by hand / break off a piece / break in two
- temalua'latl : break off at tail or rear end
- temalua'toq : break off at tail or rear end
- temalueget : snap off at tail
- temalueitesmatl : break off at tail end (by slamming)
- temeget : snap in two / snap off
- temgwa'latl : break off the head slowly by hand / break off the top
- temina'toq : tear or rip
- temisgipeget : snap off at neck
- temisqona'toq : break off at nose end
- temtesg : breaks in two
- temtesg'g : break by kicking or stomping
- temtesguatl : break by kicking or stomping
- temtesing : breaks in two
- temtesmatl : break in two / fracture
- temtestoq : break in two / fracture
- weligpa'q : split well / strip off well
Related entries for category "condition"
- emegwaltugwepit : messy hair / awful looking hairdo / bad hair day
- ewllugwet : poor quality work / badly done work
- me'_pa : anyhow / anyway
- mejige'g : dirty / dirty
- menaje'jg : fragile / delicate
- pasge'g : crushed or shattered / busted / crushed or shattered / busted
- pesga'qiputeg : chafed
- pesqa'gipusit : chafed
- ugtapsunig : useful
- ugtapsunit : useful
- waqaje'g : physically weak / not strong
- weliaq : useful / good
- wetapsunig : useful
- wetapsunit : useful
- winjig : bad condition / spoiled
- winjit : bad condition / unclean