Entries for category hold
- ala'tasij : have for self / have one's own / carry something for oneself🔉
- ala'tuatl : have possession for / carry something on anothers behalf🔉
- alapjit : have in hand🔉
- apataqan : reserved portion / saved portion / put aside portion🔉
- apatoq : set aside a portion (of food)🔉
- aptapjiet : unable to release a hold🔉
- elasgng : hand over / hold in the direction of🔉
- geggunasit : kept (for safekeeping) / held (for safekeeping)🔉
- geggunatl : have / possess🔉
- geggung : have / possess🔉
- gelg'g : hold down with body weight / hold closed with body weight🔉
- gelguatl : hold down with body weight🔉
- gelisga'latl : take by the hand while walking / take hold arm in arm🔉
- gelpilatl : tie up🔉
- gelta'tl : put claim / put deposit on / retainer / down payment on / give temporary relief to / prop up suddenly, quickly, temporarily / catch or hold in place temporarily🔉
- geltaqanatl : hold by a leash / restrain (by leash or rope)🔉
- geltaqpilatl : tie with a rope🔉
- geltaqpilg : tie it up with a rope🔉
- gelte'g : put claim / deposit / retainer / down payment on🔉
- genn'g : hold🔉
- gennatl : hold / put aside🔉
- getapja'toq : take with bare hands🔉
- getapsgnatl : hold with bare hands🔉
- getapsgng : take hold with bare hands🔉
- gisapsgng : catch reach / get a hold of🔉
- goqqwa'latl : grab🔉
- goqqwa'toq : grab🔉
- gweso'tg : conserve / preserve🔉
- iga'latl : release / let go / place / put🔉
- iljo'qonatl : balance🔉
- iljo'qong : balance🔉
- loqte'gn : trap🔉
- loqte'gnigalatl : to trap / set trap for🔉
- masqo'laji : store(pl) / put away(pl)🔉
- masqo'tasit : put things away / store / save up / accumulate🔉
- masqo'toql : store (plural) / put away (in bulk) / put away (plural)🔉
- masqwa'latl : put away / store / save🔉
- masqwa'tasit : jailed / put away (in mental institution) / put away / store🔉
- masqwa'tasit : jailed / put away (in mental institution) / put away / store🔉
- masqwa'toq : put away / store / save🔉
- mawimasqo'toql : store together / put away together🔉
- me'sapje'te'g : fumble / unable to catch🔉
- me'sapjeta'tl : fumble / unable to catch🔉
- melgapjit : have strong grip🔉
- metaqapja'latl : take in bare hands🔉
- metaqapja'sit : take in bare hands🔉
- metaqapja'toq : take in bare hands🔉
- metaqapjeta'tl : grab in bare hands🔉
- metaqapjit : holds in bare hands🔉
- mntoqopsga'latl : pinch and twist🔉
- mntoqopsga'toq : pinch and twist🔉
- naqanatl : delay / hold back / restrain🔉
- naqang : hold back / restrain / delay🔉
- nastesmatl : hook / jig🔉
- nastestoq : hook / jig / catch by hook🔉
- nisn'g : restrain / holds downward🔉
- nisnatl : holds downward🔉
- patanapjit : hold with left hand🔉
- pesoqopsga'sit : fumble and drop / let slip from hand🔉
- pija'latl : put in🔉
- pija'lut : jailed / put inside🔉
- pija'toq : put in🔉
- pisoqos'ti : button🔉
- sepapjit : hold in concealment in the hand🔉
- sepitja'latl : grasp / grip🔉
- sepitja'toq : grip / grasp🔉
- sepuijjenatl : hide or conceal in hand🔉
- sepuijjeng : hide or conceal in hand🔉
- sepulgomit : hold under arm / clutch under arm🔉
- siptaqan'g : stretching / holding a steady tension🔉
- taqawanapi : grilse net / trout net🔉
- te'tipoqja'latl : put arm around waist of🔉
- wejigoqwa'latl : attempt to grab / grab from🔉
- wejimsnatl : try to grasp / try to catch🔉
- wejimsng : try to grasp🔉
- wejitepnatl : try to reach (with hand)🔉
- wesmoqsuwalatl : embrace / hug / smooch🔉
- weso'tg : conserves / preserve🔉
- wesua'latl : take hold of🔉