Translation: It is half-filled with liquid
Part of Speech: verb inanimate intransitive
- half路filled (with liquid)
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Ula je mu aqtapenug, amujpa iligujua'tu'gw.Translation: This isn't even half full (of liquid), we have to refill it.Recording: Recording by dmm 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: ahk路ta路bek
Related Entry: aqtamgiaq
Related Entry: aqtamgiet
Related Entry: aqtapet
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- aqtapegl -- aqtapekl -- they are half-filled -- (third person plural inanimate)
Related entries for category "size"
- a'qataig : half
- apje'jg : small
- apje'ji'jg : tiny / very small
- apje'ji'jit : tiny / very small
- apje'jit : small
- apjoqji'jg : small in girth / slender / thin
- apjoqji'jit : tiny in girth / slender / thin
- aps'gilg : little / small
- aps'sas'g : cut into small pieces / minced
- aps'satl : mince / cut into small pieces
- aps'sg : mince / cut into small pieces
- aps'sitat : have small feet
- aps'te'g : chop small
- apsa'latl : reduce the size of / make smaller
- apsa'toq : make smaller
- apsatpat : have small head
- apsi's'g : to make smaller by sewing / alter to smaller size by sewing
- apsi'satl : reduce the size by sewing / alter to smaller size
- apsigjat : have small buttocks
- apsiptnat : have small hands / have small paws
- apsisgnuet : small stitch knitting / fine路weave
- apsisqonat : have small nose / have narrow nose
- apso'qonigatat : skinny legged / slim legged / thin legged
- aqtamgiaq : half路full (dry ingredient)
- aqtamgiet : half路full (dry ingredient)
- aqtapeg : half路filled (with liquid)
- aqtapet : half路filled (with liquid)
- engalatl : measure / weigh
- engaqan : measurement
- engatg : scale / measure / weigh
- engemgewei : measuring instrument
- enget : scale / measure (pertaining to wood)
- engewatl : to scale(pertaining to pulpwood or logs) / to survey land
- ewe'ge'g : roomy / uncrowded
- gesga'sit : disappear / become invisible / wide / become wider
- gesga'toq : make disappear / make wider
- gesgamu'g : blurred / looks wide / appears wide
- gesgamugsit : blurred / looks wide
- gesge'g : wide / wide
- gesge'g : wide / wide
- gesgiaqasit : has a broad back
- gesgitlmaqanat : have broad shoulders
- gesgitlmaqasit : broad shouldered / broad路beamed
- gesgoqomaqasit : broad beamed
- gesgulqeg : wide and deep (canoe, chair)
- gesimaqapsg'sit : very large and round
- gesimaqapsgeg : very large and round
- gesitowaqji'jit : very short
- jenu : giant
- jijigulqeg : narrow and shallow (of canoe)
- jijigwe'jg : narrow
- jijigwe'jit : narrow
- la'taqsuna'laq : equivalent to pail / pail full
- laggol : cord of wood
- lape'lis : yard (of measurement)
- leppie : foot (in measurement) / feet (in measurement) / twelve inches
- malige'wa't : equal or equivalent to barrel
- maqa'latl : enlarge
- maqa'q : big and round (cylindrical) / big (in girth)
- maqa'toq : enlarge
- maqalqasit : have large hole / have large opening
- maqapsg'sit : large and round / plump / bulbous / corpulent / rotund
- maqapsg'tiat : have a big and round belly / plump / corpulent / rotund
- maqapsgeg : large and globular / large and round / plump / bulbous / rotund
- maqatpat : big headed
- maqigjat : have big buttocks
- maqigtulit : have a big boat
- maqiptnat : have big hands
- maqisge'g : wide / broad / expansive / wide / broad / expansive
- maqisge'g : wide / broad / expansive / wide / broad / expansive
- maqisqonat : have a big nose
- maqistaqanat : have big ears / eavesdrop (slang)
- maqitnat : have big nostrils
- maqo'iptnat : have big arms (in girth) / have thick arms
- maqo'qonigata't : have big legs (in girth) / have thick legs
- maqoqsit : big (in girth) / big and round (cylindrical)
- maqsitat : have big feet
- maqtunat : have big mouth
- mesgi'g : big
- mesgigji'jit : somewhat big
- mesgilg : big
- miti'ji'j : sapling / small tree
- mtijin : inch / thumb
- musse'j : small piece / a bit
- mussew : piece
- newgt'pilja's'g : width/breath of the hand
- ngaqan : ruler / measure
- nutg'g : no longer fits / something has become too large or too small to fit anymore
- nutqwijijigwe'jg : insufficiently narrow
- nutqwijijigwe'jit : insufficiently narrow
- pemimqapsg'sit : become large and round
- pemimqapsgeg : become large and round
- pepg'te'muatl : thin out (head hair) by cutting
- pepga'q'g : thin iron / thin axe / thin knife
- pepga'toq : thin out / thin down
- pepge'jg : thin
- pepge'jit : thin
- pijigatat : long路legged
- pijiptnat : have long reach / have long arms
- pijisqonat : have a long nose
- pisga'taqanapi'ji'j : small chain
- pita'q : long / tall
- pitoqsit : tall
- pittaq : long
- pittaqapegisg : long enclosed structure (arena) / long open structure (wharf, air strip) / long strip of material (fabric)
- pittaqpisit : tethered (by long rope, string, chain, twine) / hitched by long rope
- pittaqsit : long
- pugwei : piece of / portion of
- siptaqa's'g : stretches
- siptaqa'sit : stretches
- telpita'q : is such length
- telpitoqsit : is such height / is such length
- tepaqapit : good fit / right size
- tepaqateg : fit / right size
- tepilugwet : work enough to... / work enough for...
- tetutgi'g : same size as / as big as this/that / approximate size
- tetutgi'g : same size as / as big as this/that / approximate size
- tetutgilg : same size as / as big as him/her/it / approximate size
- toqopaqji'jg : short and string shaped / short (in length)
- toqopaqji'jit : short and string shaped / short (in length)
- toqopsg'ji'jit : short and round
- toqopsg'sit : short and round (globular)
- toqopsgeg : short and round (globular)
- toqopsgigatat : short路legged
- toqwaqji'jg : short
- toqwaqji'jit : short / short of something
- wape'ji'jg : white small inanimate
- wape'ji'jit : tiny white animate
- weita'q : shrink
- weita't : shrink
- wela'q : right size in girth
- welg'g : good fit
- weljijigwe'jg : narrow enough
- weljijigwe'jit : narrow enough
- weloqsit : appropriate size in girth
- weltaqsit : good length (e.g. of rope)
- weltesg : fits well
- weltesing : good fit
- wesamgi'g : too big
- wesamgilg : too big
- wesamiapje'jg : too small
- wesamijijigwe'jg : too narrow
- wesamisge'g : too wide
- wesamitqwaqji'jit : too short
- wesammaqoqsit : too big (in girth) / too big and round (cylindrical)
Related entries for category "liquid"
- alitg : flows about / flows in different directions
- aqtapeg : half路filled (with liquid)
- egwijing : in water / in liquid
- egwitg : in water / in liquid
- elapaqte'g : splash water on / spray on / squirt on
- elguta'latl : pour on / pour into / pour toward
- elguta'tat : pour a drink for self
- elguta'toq : pour on / pour into / pour toward
- eppaqsijig : warm (as in milk) / luke warm
- eppaqsit : warm liquid
- eppeteg : lukewarm liquid / lukewarm water
- esamqwat : drink
- esamqwatg : drink it / drinks of it
- esamuqo'tlatl : give a drink to
- espet : leak
- etlapu'teg : brew
- etlijuig : flowing
- gaqapiateg : dried up / thoroughly dry
- getapa'q : sink into water / sink into liquid
- gisu'paqsijig : lukewarm (of liquid)
- gisupa'q : lukewarm (of liquid)
- guta'latl : pour
- guta'tat : pour for self
- guta'toq : pour
- gutapigwalatl : desalinate / desalt (by soaking in several changes of water)
- gutapigwatg : desalinate / desalt by soaking in several changes of water
- gutatesmatl : spill
- gutatestoq : spill
- guteget : spill / spill intentionally
- jimpegenatl : wring out / milk (cow)
- jimpegnewet : milk (cow) / wring out
- jimpegnewet : milk (cow) / wring out
- jimpegng : wring out
- jinqamisteget : strain (through strainer)
- mjigapu : dirty water / used (scrubbing) water
- mlagejg : milk
- mlagejua'tat : add milk (to tea, coffee or drink)
- mlagejuo'q : milk container / milk bottle / milk pitcher
- moqopa'q : wine
- naqana'q : dip out / ladle out
- naqasua'q : extinguish with water / douse fire with water / put out (fire) with water
- nemgwet : drink (of alcoholic beverage)
- newtumqwanet : drink beverage / drink alcoholic beverage
- p'teweie'mat : have tea break / take tea
- pa'it'pega's'g : overflow
- pa'itepega'sit : overflow
- pasginoqjing : tear or split (from freezing)
- pelsit : thick
- pelteg : thick (of liquid, porridge) / pour thickly
- pemapaqto'sit : splash self (as going along)
- pemijuig : flowing along
- petgutatestoq : spill unintentionally
- petguteget : spill unintentionally
- pugtewijg : liquor / whiskey
- pugwelijuit : flow extensively
- salawapu : salty water / salt water / salted water
- samqwan : water
- samqwanapua'q : watery / diluted with water
- sapan : paste / mush / batter
- saqpe'g : wet / wet
- saqpigjat : have a wet bottom
- seggw : sweet / sweet
- seggwewei : sweetener
- siguapatign : rinse (water)
- sigupaqte'gn : buttermilk
- sinqamisteget : strain (through strainer)
- te'pineglewei : vinegar
- unpim : drink / beverage / medical drink (cough syrup)
- waju'pega'latl : fill up (with liquid) / soak
- waju'pega'toq : fill up (with liquid) / soak
- wesawa'toq : put on to boil / put on to cook
- wesgitpega'sit : flow over
- wesgitpegiaq : flows over
- wesgitpegiet : flows on top / coating
- wigt'g : like taste of