Translation: He/she is short of something (money)
Part of Speech: verb animate intransitive
- short of (money)
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Nutawtugwei nugu', mu te'pmu ta'n goqwei nutai.Translation: I'm short of money, I can't afford what I need.Recording: Recording by jnw 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: nu路daw路du路gwet
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- nutawtugwei -- I am short of something (money) -- (first person singular animate)
- nutawtugweieg -- We short of something (money) -- (first person dual exclusive animate)
- nutawtugutieg, nutawtugwa'tieg -- We short of something (money) -- (first person plural exclusive animate)
Related entries for category "value"
- ajiglu'lg : better than
- ajiglu'sit : better than
- ajipugwenn'g : have much more than
- ajipugwennaji : have much more than
- ajiwinjig : worse
- ajiwinjit : worse
- alua'latl : find unsatisfactory
- alua'toq : find unsatisfactory
- aluamatl : find unsatisfactory in appearance / find unattractive
- aluapt'g : find the appearance unsatisfactory / find unattractive
- amiglu'lg : sort of good / somewhat good
- amiglu'sit : sort of good / so路so / somewhat precious
- amsala's'g : go wrong
- amsala'sit : do wrong / go wrong
- amsaliaq : go wrong
- anawtig : cheap in price / inexpensive
- anawtit : not paid much / cheap in price / inexpensive
- apangimatl : pay the cost
- awtiget : make road / clear path / charge fee
- awtit : on salary / being paid / cost
- awtit : on salary / being paid / cost
- eltoq : make / build / earn
- ganie'wit : profit / gain / win / earn / gain weight
- gegnu'lugwet : work properly
- gegnu'telg : purchase correctly / purchase appropriately
- gegnu'teluatl : purchase correctly / purchase appropriately / shoot accurately / shoot in the right place
- gelo'tg : guard / keep watch over / hold in safekeeping
- gelu'lg : good / nice
- gelu'si'ji'jit : very small and somewhat good
- gelu'sit : good / nice
- gesatg : like / enjoys / love
- gesgelmatl : hold dearly / reluctant to part with
- gesgelt'g : hold dearly / reluctant to part with
- gi'wajiaq : honest / fact / true / so
- gjitmei : genuine / real one / genuine / real one / really / actually / truly / factually
- gs'geltaqan : valued and protected / precious / someone held dear / something animate held dear / something held dear
- gs'geltaqan : valued and protected / precious / someone held dear / something animate held dear / something held dear
- gsite'taqan : someone cherished or valued / someone precious / something cherished or valued / something precious
- gsite'taqan : someone cherished or valued / someone precious / something cherished or valued / something precious
- gsnqo'qon : foolishness / silly / pointless
- gsnqo'weiei : foolish thing / useless object / worthless object
- jaqalte'g : earn quickly / gather quickly / chop quickly
- logowit : fortunate / lucky
- magasan : store
- magasana'sit : go to a store
- magasano'guom : store / store house
- maw_winjig : very bad
- maw_winjit : very bad / worse
- mawiglu'sit : very good
- mawiglulg : very good
- me'gusit : overcharges for labour / overcharges for service / charge a high price for labour
- mego'tig : expensive
- mego'tit : expensive
- menaqajewei : rightfully / by rights! (exclamation) / right or correct one / right or correct one
- metla'saigl : ten dollars
- milesit : rich
- mujgajewei : the best!
- natangu'sit : go peddling / go selling
- natanguat : go shopping
- nattelg : go to purchase / go to buy
- natteluatl : go to buy / go to purchase
- netuisgalatl : sell for money
- netuisget : sells / salesperson
- netuisgetoq : sell
- netuisgewatl : sell for
- netutmat : ask for money owed
- newtaig : one dollar / dollar bill / dollar coin
- nutawtugwet : short of (money)
- pajijiglulg : extremely good or nice / best
- pegwatelg : buy / purchase
- pegwateliget : purchase / buy
- pegwateluatl : buy / purchase
- pusgigsatg'p : used to like
- suliewei : money / silver
- sulieweie'galatl : exploit for money / over charge someone
- sulieweie'gatg : exploit for money / over charge / milk the job
- sumalgi : copper / penny
- talawtig : what is the cost?
- talawtit : what is the cost?
- tapuaigewei : two路dollar bill / toonie
- tapuaigl : two dollars
- telawtig : worth so much / cost
- telawtit : worth so much / cost
- temipia'st : fifty cents / half a dollar
- tepawtig : worth price
- tepawtit : worth price
- tetapu'teg : correct / proper
- tettuatl : owe
- tettuet : owe / in debt
- tlansu : twenty路five cents / quarter
- wejgwapesit : something that one has a right to
- welawtig : good or reasonable price
- welawtit : make good wages / good or reasonable price
- wellu'alatl : praise
- wellu'atg : praise
- wesama'muatl : overcharge
- wesamglu'lg : too good
- wisawsuliewei : gold
Related entries for category "quantity"
- amilugwet : work a bit / work a little
- aqtamgiaq : half路full (dry ingredient)
- aqtamgiet : half路full (dry ingredient)
- awije'jg : scarce / rare
- awije'jit : scarce / rare
- awisiw : seldom / only once in a while
- elm'joqteg : spread of food / setout (as table)
- esgwiaq : leftover / remainder
- esgwiet : leftover / remainder
- ga'l : one quarter (of time, etc.)
- gaqi'sg : often / frequently / many times
- gaqo'tg : exhaust supply / use up
- lape'lis : yard (of measurement)
- malatalg : eat little / eat poorly / eat inadequately
- matu'mimajit : lives simply / lives marginally
- matu'nmat : frugal / manages with minimum resources
- matu't'g : eat a bit of / eat leftovers of
- matuatalg : eat a little / snack / eat marginally
- matue'g : lives simply / unsophisticated / make do / live marginally
- mawa'tajig : share expense / chip in
- mawgimatl : include in the count
- me' : still / yet / more / anyway
- me'_ap : more again / still again / some again
- me'_ijga : a little more / a bit more / some more!
- me'_wen : anyone else
- megeng : have many / have much
- megepaji : eat plenty of / eat in abundance
- megeta'ji : acquire plenty of / gather plenty / pick plenty / win plenty
- megete'g : acquire plenty of / gather plenty / pick plenty / win plenty
- megete'gl : acquire plenty of / gather plenty / pick plenty / win plenty
- megetg : eat plenty of / eat in abundance
- megetgl : eat plenty of / eat in abundance
- menaqa : properly
- mese'g : whole / entire / whole / entire
- milamu'g : multi-colored / different colors / variety of colors / many colors / many kinds of things / many sorts of things
- milamugsit : multi-colored / different colors / variety of colors / many colors / many different kinds / many different sorts
- ms't_goqwei : everything
- ms't_tami : everywhere
- ms't_wen : everybody
- musse'j : small piece / a bit
- mussew : piece
- nasgwa'latl : divide in half / halve
- nujinget : scaler (in lumbering) / one who does the measuring / scale (in lumbering)
- nutawtugwet : short of (money)
- nutqwa'toq : put insufficient amount / add insufficient amount
- nutqwelg : inadequate / insufficient / inadequate / insufficient
- pajjaqamat : spread-on thickly / exaggerate (slang) / overdo
- pas'g : only / just
- piamiaq : leftover
- piamiet : something leftover
- piamiw : more than / over
- pisoqotalg : eat much / eat alot / has good appetite
- piwiaq : left over / remainder
- piwsign : scrap of cloth / scrap of paper
- pugwatqasit : bushy
- pugwei : piece of / portion of
- pugwelg : lots / several / many / much / lots / several / many / much
- pugweliaq : plentiful / in good supply
- pugweliet : many / plentiful / in good supply
- pugweliganig : have many buildings or houses
- pugweliget : live together in group
- pugweligu'niet : bleed profusely / bleed a lot
- pugwelijuig : flow excessively
- pugweng : have plenty of
- pugwennatl : have plenty of
- pugwistina'gewit : hairy (of body)
- qasgo'tg : take or withdraw in small amounts
- qasgwatalg : eat a little at a time / snack
- qasgweiwatl : take in small amounts / withdraw in small amounts
- qataig : half way / midway
- ta's'g : how much? / some
- ta's'ji'jg : little portion / little bit
- ta's'ji'jit : little portion / little bit
- ta'sit : how much? / how many?
- ta'sunatl : has how much (many) of? / has what quantity?
- te's'g : so much / so many
- te'sit : so many / so much
- te'sunatl : have so many or so much
- te'sunemi'g : so many kinds
- te'sunemigsit : so many kinds
- te'sung : have so much or so many
- tegele'jg : small amount or number / not very much
- tegele'jit : small amount or number
- tepiaq : enough / sufficient / adequate
- tepiet : enough / sufficient / adequate
- tmaqanigju'aq : loaded to brim / overloaded
- tmaqanigju'et : loaded to brim / overloaded
- wesamelg : too much / too much