Translation: He/she puts it on to boil or cook
Part of Speech: verb inanimate transitive
- put on to boil
- put on to cook
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Wesawa'toq samqwan gesgmnaq peltegewei egwijegegw.Translation: He/she puts the water on to boil before he/she puts in the porridge.Recording: Recording by jnw 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: we·sa·waa·dohk
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- wesawa'tu -- I put it on to boil or cook -- (first person singular animate subject, third person singular inanimate object)
- wesawa'tueg -- We put it on to boil or cook -- (first person plural exclusive animate subject, third person singular inanimate object)
Related entries for category "liquid"
- alitg : flows about / flows in different directions
- aqtapeg : half·filled (with liquid)
- egwijing : in water / in liquid
- egwitg : in water / in liquid
- elapaqte'g : splash water on / spray on / squirt on
- elguta'latl : pour on / pour into / pour toward
- elguta'tat : pour a drink for self
- elguta'toq : pour on / pour into / pour toward
- eppaqsijig : warm (as in milk) / luke warm
- eppaqsit : warm liquid
- eppeteg : lukewarm liquid / lukewarm water
- esamqwat : drink
- esamqwatg : drink it / drinks of it
- esamuqo'tlatl : give a drink to
- espet : leak
- etlapu'teg : brew
- etlijuig : flowing
- gaqapiateg : dried up / thoroughly dry
- getapa'q : sink into water / sink into liquid
- gisu'paqsijig : lukewarm (of liquid)
- gisupa'q : lukewarm (of liquid)
- guta'latl : pour
- guta'tat : pour for self
- guta'toq : pour
- gutapigwalatl : desalinate / desalt (by soaking in several changes of water)
- gutapigwatg : desalinate / desalt by soaking in several changes of water
- gutatesmatl : spill
- gutatestoq : spill
- guteget : spill / spill intentionally
- jimpegenatl : wring out / milk (cow)
- jimpegnewet : milk (cow) / wring out
- jimpegnewet : milk (cow) / wring out
- jimpegng : wring out
- jinqamisteget : strain (through strainer)
- mjigapu : dirty water / used (scrubbing) water
- mlagejg : milk
- mlagejua'tat : add milk (to tea, coffee or drink)
- mlagejuo'q : milk container / milk bottle / milk pitcher
- moqopa'q : wine
- naqana'q : dip out / ladle out
- naqasua'q : extinguish with water / douse fire with water / put out (fire) with water
- nemgwet : drink (of alcoholic beverage)
- newtumqwanet : drink beverage / drink alcoholic beverage
- p'teweie'mat : have tea break / take tea
- pa'it'pega's'g : overflow
- pa'itepega'sit : overflow
- pasginoqjing : tear or split (from freezing)
- pelsit : thick
- pelteg : thick (of liquid, porridge) / pour thickly
- pemapaqto'sit : splash self (as going along)
- pemijuig : flowing along
- petgutatestoq : spill unintentionally
- petguteget : spill unintentionally
- pugtewijg : liquor / whiskey
- pugwelijuit : flow extensively
- salawapu : salty water / salt water / salted water
- samqwan : water
- samqwanapua'q : watery / diluted with water
- sapan : paste / mush / batter
- saqpe'g : wet / wet
- saqpigjat : have a wet bottom
- seggw : sweet / sweet
- seggwewei : sweetener
- siguapatign : rinse (water)
- sigupaqte'gn : buttermilk
- sinqamisteget : strain (through strainer)
- te'pineglewei : vinegar
- unpim : drink / beverage / medical drink (cough syrup)
- waju'pega'latl : fill up (with liquid) / soak
- waju'pega'toq : fill up (with liquid) / soak
- wesawa'toq : put on to boil / put on to cook
- wesgitpega'sit : flow over
- wesgitpegiaq : flows over
- wesgitpegiet : flows on top / coating
- wigt'g : like taste of
Related entries for category "cook"
- apita'q : rise (as dough) / swell / bloated / proof (dough)
- apita'taqan : baking powder / baking soda / rising agent / yeast / leavening
- elusgnawet : knead dough
- epipnatg : make bread / bake bread
- epipnet : bake bread
- esgoqsit : undercooked / left untouched by fire
- esgoqteg : undercooked / left untouched by fire
- etligmiet : boiling
- etloqs'g : cook / bake
- etloqsatl : cook
- etloqsit : cooking / sun-bathing
- etloqteg : cooking
- etoqtalatl : roast / bake / cook
- etoqtasit : roast
- etoqtatg : roast / bake / cook
- etoqtet : roast / bake
- gaqoqsit : burned through / finished cooking
- gaqoqteg : burned through
- gi's'g : finished cooking
- gi'satl : finished cooking
- gi'sit : cooked
- gi'teg : cooked
- gisoqsit : ready cooked / cooked
- gisoqteg : ready cooked / cooked
- miloqs'g : cook in different ways
- miloqsatl : cook in different ways
- miloqsawet : bake variety of pastry / make desserts / make sweets
- mima'gwa'taqan : used for greasing / greaser (for pan)
- minuoqs'g : recook
- minuoqsatl : recook
- nata'toqtet : know how to bake / good or excellent baker
- nata'wisugwateget : good cook / excellent cook / know how to cook
- natawoqsawet : know how to cook / good or excellent cook
- netawitoqtet : know how to cook
- nipetesmat : cooks overnight / overnight cooking
- nipetesmuatl : cooks (rice, etc.) overnight for him/her/it
- nipiapetesmat : cooks overnight for self
- nipiwisugwet : cooks at night (for others)
- puggwana'latl : smoke (fish, etc.)
- puggwana'taqan : smoker / place, apparatus or utensil for smoking meat, etc...
- puggwana'teget : smoke (food)
- puggwana'toq : smoke (fish, etc.)
- puggwanaw : smoked food (e.g. fish or meat)
- sasqa'gwit : Flat bottom pot / Flat bottom cauldron
- sasqapa'sit : grills / cooks food on a grill over charcoals / cooks food over embers
- sisla'gwa'latl : fry
- sisla'gwa'toq : fry
- teloqs'g : cook in such a way / cook thus
- teloqsas'g : cooked in such a way / cooked thus
- teloqsasit : cooked in such a way / cooked thus
- teloqsatl : cook in such a way / cook thus
- wejaqama'latl : boil
- wejaqama'toq : boil
- wejaqamiaq : boil
- wesamoqs'g : overcook
- wesamoqsatl : overcook
- wesamoqsit : overcooked
- wesamoqteg : overcooked
- wesawa'latl : put on to boil / put on to cook
- wesawa'toq : put on to boil / put on to cook
- wisgu'patl : cook for
- wissugwalatl : cooks him/her/it
- wissugwat : cook (for oneself)
- wissugwatg : cooks it
- wissugwatiget : cook