Translation: Fire poker
Part of Speech: noun inanimate
- fire poker
- furnace poker
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Metue'g ta'n pugtew epsaqtejgigtug telitmg mu nu'se'gn geggunmu'n.Translation: Its difficult to start a fire in a stove if you don't have a poker.Recording: Recording by dmm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: luu·se·gên
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- lu'segnn -- furnace pokers -- (plural)
Related entries for category "fire"
- amsaloqteg : unfortunately damaged by fire / sadly harmed by fire
- ansuoqteg : unfortunately burnt
- eligp'ta'q : smoke / smoke drifts toward
- esgoqsit : undercooked / left untouched by fire
- etligp'ta'q : smoke / steam
- etligp'ta't : smoking / steaming
- gaqamgleg : finished burning
- gaqamglet : finished burning
- gaqanu'gwa'teget : finish burning
- gaqanu'gwa'toq : finish burning up
- gaqoqsit : burned through / finished cooking
- gaqoqteg : burned through
- gaqs'g : burn
- gaqsatl : burn
- gaqsit : burn
- gaqsusit : unintentionally burns oneself / accidentally burns oneself
- gaqteg : burn
- ge'sa'latl : throws him/her/it into the fire
- ge’sa’toq : throws it into the fire
- ge'seget : throws it in the fire
- getmoqsijig : all burned
- getmoqtegl : all burned
- ginate’nmat : has a good fire / has a beautiful fire / has a bright fire
- gisnu'gwa'q : has burned / is combustible
- lu'segn : fire poker / furnace poker
- mawgsaqa’toq : kindle a fire
- mawgsaqate’g : rekindlesthe fire / stir the fire
- mawsa'latl : build a fire in the stove or furnace
- mawsa'tat : make fire inside / start and maintain a fire in a stove / heat source
- mawsa'teget : make a fire (in stove or furnace) / build a fire (in stove or furnace)
- mawsa'toq : put in fire to burn / put in stove to burn
- mtlu'tew : smoke
- naqasua'latl : turn off / butt out / extinguish / put out
- naqasua'q : extinguish with water / douse fire with water / put out (fire) with water
- naqasua'toq : extinguish / put out / turn off
- naqasueg : fire is extinguished / fire has gone out
- naqasueta'tl : beat out fire
- naqasuete'g : beat out (extinguish) fire
- naqasuetesg'g : stamp out fire
- naqasuetesguatl : stamp out fire
- naqasuiputualatl : blow out fire / extinguish by air
- naqasuiputuatg : blow out the fire / extinguish by air
- neiamglet : appears in ablaze / appears burning
- nu'gwa'latl : set on fire / burn
- nu’gwa’luejg : fireworks / cattails
- nu'gwa'q : burn / on fire / ablaze
- nu'gwa't : burn / ablaze / dwelling on fire / belongings on fire
- nu'gwa'toq : set ablaze / burn
- nu'te'nmaqan : campfire / outdoor kitchen
- nugsaqatew : ember / charcoal
- pasg'sa'latl : light up / set on fire
- pasg'sa'toq : set on fire / light up
- pasg'sematl : light up (tobacco pipe) / light up a cigarette
- pasg'setmat : light up (to smoke)
- pasg'setmuatl : light up (cigarette or pipe) for
- pasgesetmat : light up / smoke
- pasginoqsit : cracked (from excessive heat)
- pasginoqteg : cracked (from excessive heat)
- pe's'teg : burst into flame
- pejoqs'g : cook unintentionally / burn unintentionally / burns accidently
- pejoqsatl : burns accidently / burns unintentionlly
- pemigp'ta'q : puff along / smoke along
- pemigp'ta't : smoke along / puff along
- pigsa'q : cloudy from smoke / cloudy from dust
- pigsa't : cloud of smoke or dust or steam from...
- pitamgletesg : flare up (toward inside)
- pitamgletesing : flares inward / flare up (toward inside)
- pitoqteg : burn underneath / set underneath / penetrate beneath
- psew : gun powder
- pugsaqatew : ember of firewood or coal
- pugsetew : soot
- pugsetewig : sooty
- pugsetewit : sooty
- pugsug : firewood
- pugsugwei_epsaqtejg : wood stove
- pugte’nmat : has fire on the go
- pugtew : fire
- pugtewa’taqan : fire making tools (matches, flint and steel) / lighter
- pugtewei : related to fire / of fire / from fire / belonging to fire
- pugtewgsit : it is red hot (stove) / it is over heating
- pugtewigtug : at the fire / in the fire
- pugto'guom : chimney
- saqtat : strikes a flint to start a fire / light a lighter to start a fire
- sepawe’nmat : lights up the morning fire
- sewisgoqsit : break up (in fire) / come apart (in fire)
- sewisgoqteg : break up (in fire)
- sisuei : blaze (of fire) / firey blaze
- t'pgwano'q : ash bin
- tqa'la'j : wick
- ugsitnei : stove pipe
- wapsgw : coal
- wigplasit : smoked (as a salmon) / smoke residue (coated)
- wigplateg : smoke residue (coated) / smoked
- wigplatewma'q : smell smoky / smell of smoke
- wigplatewma't : smell smokey / smell of smoke
- wisgipg : stove ashes / fire ash
- wisgipgo'q : ash bin / ash container from woodstove
Related entries for category "tool"
- aptu'n : cane / staff / walking stick
- awa'qi'gn : crooked knife
- ewi'gigemgewei : notepad / pen / pencil / object used for writing
- gi'gamgo'n : pole (for poling boat)
- gi'taqan : grindstone
- glapaqign : screw
- glapaqignei : screw driver
- go'pign : dip net (for fish)
- jigg'putaqan : rake
- jinqamistaqanei : strainer / sieve / colander
- la'gittaqan : file / filing tool
- la'pugtaqan : snare
- laputi : spy glass / telescope
- laputi'l : binoculars
- lge'gn : hoe
- lgeso'qon : plow
- lgusuaqan : steps / ladder / stairs
- lnaqanatgw : wooden handle / axe handle
- lnuipi : native paddle
- loqte'gn : trap
- loqte'gnigalatl : to trap / set trap for
- lu'gwejg : compass / pointer
- lu'segn : fire poker / furnace poker
- lugowaqane'gmuti : tool kit / tool bag / tool box
- majjoqtelign : arrow
- maltejjuei : hammer
- maltejjueiatgw : hammer handle
- mattejjuei : hammer
- melg'tqasit : strong rope / strong string
- mgign : hook / fish hook
- mgumie'j : horseshoe
- mgumie'jo'tlatl : shoe (horse) / fit with horseshoes
- mistug : oakum
- nigoq : fishing spear
- nigoqji'j : small two·pronged spear
- nigoqol : eel spear
- nipeloqte'gnei : tool used to set traps at night / something used to set night traps
- nipisoqon : stick / rod / cane
- nisaqan : weir
- nqana'paqsun : well bucket
- nqani'gn : dip net / scoop
- pe'sgewei : gun / rifle / shotgun
- pesgwete'gemgewei : sickle
- pewaqs'te'gnei : thrasher (used in farming)
- pi'pi : peavey hook
- pijimaqan : funnel
- piluowei : bullet / projectile
- pisga'taqanapi : chain
- pisga'taqanapi'ji'j : small chain
- pitqasawet : load (gun) with gunpowder and ramrod / arm gun
- plegu : nail
- plegu'j : tack
- plegu'ji'j : small nail
- plos : brush
- po'q'g : drill / bore
- po'qatl : drill / bore
- po'qiget : drill / bore
- po'qign : auger / drill bit
- poqwas'tiei : thimble
- poqwatign : umbrella
- psetgunatgw : dead (dried out) tree branch
- psgweso'qon : scythe
- pugumaqan : weapon
- qaliputi : shovel
- qasawo'qapi : wire
- qasawo'qu'j : knitting needle
- sa'pign : awl
- sa'qati : needle / knitting needle
- si'sign : awl
- sinqamistaqanei : strainer / sieve / colander
- sipigi'taqan : whetstone
- sipitaqan : hide·stretcher
- siputaqan : metal file / sharpener
- tapi : bow
- tapuapjimgewei : tool or object requiring use of both hands
- te'sipowgumaqan : horse whip
- tma'gittaqan : saw
- tmi'gn : axe
- tmi'gnatgw : axe handle
- tulgowei : cannon
- u'ta'qan : paddle / oar
- ugju'snei : fan / propeller
- ugpugugwe'l : eyeglasses / glasses
- ugta'piml : net
- ugtapiml : bow
- ugtaptu'n : cane / crutch / walking stick
- ugtunapi : rein
- ugtuneil : bridles and bits
- ugtuoml : pot (cooking vessel) / pan
- umiggn : fishing gear / fishing rod
- usgijigwegewei : cement
- utapsun : clothing / essentials / belongings
- utepaqan : toboggan / car / wagon / sled
- utmaqann : pipe
- utmi'gn : axe
- wa'qan : knife / blade
- wa'qanji'j : jacknife
- wetmo'taqan : useful object or tool
- wi'gign : pen / pencil