Translation: Hammer
Part of Speech: noun inanimate
- hammer
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Ge' jugwa'tui na plegu'l aq mattejjuei?Translation: Would you bring me the nails and the hammer?Recording: Recording by ewm 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: mat路tech路chu路ey
Related Entry: maltejjuei
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- mattejjue'l -- hammers -- (plural)
Related entries for category "hit"
- apatta'tl : hit back / win back / send back
- asu'tesguatl : kick back and forth / walk back and forth / repeatedly return/go to...
- ejiglta'tl : strike or drive away / hit away / shoo away
- ejiglte'g : drive it away / hit it away / beat it away
- ela'qate'get : forges into certain shape / hammers into certain shape
- eligpete'get : make basket splints / pound ash
- ennmta'tl : hammer in / drive in / embed in
- ennmte'g : drive in / hammer in / embed in
- etlta'tl : beat / strike / hit
- etlte'g : beat on / strum / play(musical instrument) / hit / knock
- geitapaqte'g : drive in (as nail)
- gesita'tl : hit hard / beat-up badly
- getmete'gl : win all / break all / destroy all
- gewta'tl : knock down
- gewte'g : knock down
- gipoqtelg : graze (by shooting)
- gista'tl : beat-up / finish beating
- giste'g : finish playing(instrument) / able to play instrument / finish beating / finish hitting
- gmutta'tl : beat with a stick
- gmutte'g : beat with a stick
- guntewgta'tl : stone him/her/it
- jaqalta'tl : finish off fast (in boxing, game or cards)
- maltewte'g : cause to bleed by striking
- matta'tl : spank / beat
- matte'g : beat / spank / thrash
- mattejjuei : hammer
- mattelg : shooting at
- matteluatl : shoot at
- me'ta'tl : successfully hit / successfully strike
- me'te'g : successfully hits
- me'telg : successfully hits with a shot / successfully shoots it
- me'teluatl : succeed at shooting
- mesqaneiteluatl : take down by a shot
- metete'get : knocking / pounding
- migutesg'g : bump into / run into
- migutesguatl : bump into / run into / run over
- naqasueta'tl : beat out fire
- naqasuete'g : beat out (extinguish) fire
- nasgoqta'tl : split lengthwise (with heavy blow)
- nasgoqte'g : split lengthwise (by striking) / split in half (by striking)
- nasgoqte'get : splitting wood / splitting (by striking with a tool)
- nipisoqonta'tl : hits/strikes with a stick / hits/strikes with a cane / hits/strikes with a rod
- nipispaqanta'tl : beat with switch / beat with twigs
- nipispaqante'g : beat with switch
- nistelg : shoot down
- nisteluatl : shoot down
- nugjaqta'tl : smash to bits / mash
- nugta'tl : soften by pounding / soften by hitting / tenderise
- nugte'g : tenderise / soften by pounding / soften by hitting
- o'pl'ta'tl : hit wrongly / strike wrongly
- o'pl'te'g : strike wrongly / hit wrongly
- paqsipgeitelua'tl : shoot and kill instantly (with gun or bow and arrow)
- pe'sg'g : shoot at
- pe'sg'teg : fired (as gun)
- pe'sgigeg : shoot
- pe'sgiget : fire / shoot
- pe'sguatl : shoot at
- peji'taqane'ita'tl : slap on neck
- pelgoqta'tl : strip off with sharp tool
- pelgoqte'g : strip off with sharp tool
- pepguijete'get : beat the drum / beat the instrument / beat the object or surface
- pesigte'get : split wood
- pesigweita'tl : slap face
- pesoqopsg'ta'tl : miss (in swinging, or striking) / fumble
- pesoqopsg'te'g : fumble / partially block / miss (in swinging, or striking)
- pesoqta'tl : miss aimed at / fail to hit (aimed)
- pesoqte'g : miss / fail to hit (something aimed)
- pesoqtelg : fail to shoot something aimed at / miss (in shooting)
- pesoqteluatl : fail to hit someone aimed at / miss (in shooting)
- petguta'tl : knock out
- petta'tl : strike unintentionally / hit unintentionally
- pette'g : stikes unintentionally / hit unintentionally
- pettesguatl : accidentally bump into / chases here
- sapa'qe'g : a hole through (as tunnel) / pass through (as tunnel)
- sapta'tl : sting / pierce
- sapte'g : sting / pierce
- saputeta'tl : pierce through by a blow / cut or knock through
- saputete'g : pierce through by a blow / cut or knock through
- saputetesg'g : kick through / run through
- sewista'tl : pound or hack to bits
- sewiste'g : pound or hack to bits
- sewistestoq : smash
- sigta'tl : strike dead
- taqamatl : hit / jab / punch
- taqt'g : hit / strike / jab / punch
- tegtesg'g : kick
- tegtesgewet : kick / complain / object
- tegtesguatl : kick
- telta'tl : hit in such a way / cut or chop
- telte'g : cut or chop / hits
- temte'get : cut by hitting / cut by hitting with knife / cut wood
- temtesg'g : break by kicking or stomping
- tlawo'qta'tl : strikes with knife
- tlawo'qte'g : strike with knife
- tmi'gnta'tl : strike with axe
- tmi'gnte'g : strike with axe
- welta'tl : hit well / meet up with / catch
- welte'g : hit well / strike well / play well / earn well / make good money
Related entries for category "tool"
- aptu'n : cane / staff / walking stick
- awa'qi'gn : crooked knife
- ewi'gigemgewei : notepad / pen / pencil / object used for writing
- gi'gamgo'n : pole (for poling boat)
- gi'taqan : grindstone
- glapaqign : screw
- glapaqignei : screw driver
- go'pign : dip net (for fish)
- jigg'putaqan : rake
- jinqamistaqanei : strainer / sieve / colander
- la'gittaqan : file / filing tool
- la'pugtaqan : snare
- laputi : spy glass / telescope
- laputi'l : binoculars
- lge'gn : hoe
- lgeso'qon : plow
- lgusuaqan : steps / ladder / stairs
- lnaqanatgw : wooden handle / axe handle
- lnuipi : native paddle
- loqte'gn : trap
- loqte'gnigalatl : to trap / set trap for
- lu'gwejg : compass / pointer
- lu'segn : fire poker / furnace poker
- lugowaqane'gmuti : tool kit / tool bag / tool box
- majjoqtelign : arrow
- maltejjuei : hammer
- maltejjueiatgw : hammer handle
- mattejjuei : hammer
- melg'tqasit : strong rope / strong string
- mgign : hook / fish hook
- mgumie'j : horseshoe
- mgumie'jo'tlatl : shoe (horse) / fit with horseshoes
- mistug : oakum
- nigoq : fishing spear
- nigoqji'j : small two路pronged spear
- nigoqol : eel spear
- nipeloqte'gnei : tool used to set traps at night / something used to set night traps
- nipisoqon : stick / rod / cane
- nisaqan : weir
- nqana'paqsun : well bucket
- nqani'gn : dip net / scoop
- pe'sgewei : gun / rifle / shotgun
- pesgwete'gemgewei : sickle
- pewaqs'te'gnei : thrasher (used in farming)
- pi'pi : peavey hook
- pijimaqan : funnel
- piluowei : bullet / projectile
- pisga'taqanapi : chain
- pisga'taqanapi'ji'j : small chain
- pitqasawet : load (gun) with gunpowder and ramrod / arm gun
- plegu : nail
- plegu'j : tack
- plegu'ji'j : small nail
- plos : brush
- po'q'g : drill / bore
- po'qatl : drill / bore
- po'qiget : drill / bore
- po'qign : auger / drill bit
- poqwas'tiei : thimble
- poqwatign : umbrella
- psetgunatgw : dead (dried out) tree branch
- psgweso'qon : scythe
- pugumaqan : weapon
- qaliputi : shovel
- qasawo'qapi : wire
- qasawo'qu'j : knitting needle
- sa'pign : awl
- sa'qati : needle / knitting needle
- si'sign : awl
- sinqamistaqanei : strainer / sieve / colander
- sipigi'taqan : whetstone
- sipitaqan : hide路stretcher
- siputaqan : metal file / sharpener
- tapi : bow
- tapuapjimgewei : tool or object requiring use of both hands
- te'sipowgumaqan : horse whip
- tma'gittaqan : saw
- tmi'gn : axe
- tmi'gnatgw : axe handle
- tulgowei : cannon
- u'ta'qan : paddle / oar
- ugju'snei : fan / propeller
- ugpugugwe'l : eyeglasses / glasses
- ugta'piml : net
- ugtapiml : bow
- ugtaptu'n : cane / crutch / walking stick
- ugtunapi : rein
- ugtuneil : bridles and bits
- ugtuoml : pot (cooking vessel) / pan
- umiggn : fishing gear / fishing rod
- usgijigwegewei : cement
- utapsun : clothing / essentials / belongings
- utepaqan : toboggan / car / wagon / sled
- utmaqann : pipe
- utmi'gn : axe
- wa'qan : knife / blade
- wa'qanji'j : jacknife
- wetmo'taqan : useful object or tool
- wi'gign : pen / pencil