Translation: Sapling
Part of Speech: noun animate
- sapling
- small tree
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Pugwelgig miti'ji'jg gisiga'taqalgig.Translation: I planted many saplings.Recording: Recording by ewm 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: mi路dii路chiich
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- miti'ji'jg -- saplings -- (plural)
- miti'ji'jl, miti'ji'tl -- a sapling -- (fourth person)
Related entries for category "size"
- a'qataig : half
- apje'jg : small
- apje'ji'jg : tiny / very small
- apje'ji'jit : tiny / very small
- apje'jit : small
- apjoqji'jg : small in girth / slender / thin
- apjoqji'jit : tiny in girth / slender / thin
- aps'gilg : little / small
- aps'sas'g : cut into small pieces / minced
- aps'satl : mince / cut into small pieces
- aps'sg : mince / cut into small pieces
- aps'sitat : have small feet
- aps'te'g : chop small
- apsa'latl : reduce the size of / make smaller
- apsa'toq : make smaller
- apsatpat : have small head
- apsi's'g : to make smaller by sewing / alter to smaller size by sewing
- apsi'satl : reduce the size by sewing / alter to smaller size
- apsigjat : have small buttocks
- apsiptnat : have small hands / have small paws
- apsisgnuet : small stitch knitting / fine路weave
- apsisqonat : have small nose / have narrow nose
- apso'qonigatat : skinny legged / slim legged / thin legged
- aqtamgiaq : half路full (dry ingredient)
- aqtamgiet : half路full (dry ingredient)
- aqtapeg : half路filled (with liquid)
- aqtapet : half路filled (with liquid)
- engalatl : measure / weigh
- engaqan : measurement
- engatg : scale / measure / weigh
- engemgewei : measuring instrument
- enget : scale / measure (pertaining to wood)
- engewatl : to scale(pertaining to pulpwood or logs) / to survey land
- ewe'ge'g : roomy / uncrowded
- gesga'sit : disappear / become invisible / wide / become wider
- gesga'toq : make disappear / make wider
- gesgamu'g : blurred / looks wide / appears wide
- gesgamugsit : blurred / looks wide
- gesge'g : wide / wide
- gesge'g : wide / wide
- gesgiaqasit : has a broad back
- gesgitlmaqanat : have broad shoulders
- gesgitlmaqasit : broad shouldered / broad路beamed
- gesgoqomaqasit : broad beamed
- gesgulqeg : wide and deep (canoe, chair)
- gesimaqapsg'sit : very large and round
- gesimaqapsgeg : very large and round
- gesitowaqji'jit : very short
- jenu : giant
- jijigulqeg : narrow and shallow (of canoe)
- jijigwe'jg : narrow
- jijigwe'jit : narrow
- la'taqsuna'laq : equivalent to pail / pail full
- laggol : cord of wood
- lape'lis : yard (of measurement)
- leppie : foot (in measurement) / feet (in measurement) / twelve inches
- malige'wa't : equal or equivalent to barrel
- maqa'latl : enlarge
- maqa'q : big and round (cylindrical) / big (in girth)
- maqa'toq : enlarge
- maqalqasit : have large hole / have large opening
- maqapsg'sit : large and round / plump / bulbous / corpulent / rotund
- maqapsg'tiat : have a big and round belly / plump / corpulent / rotund
- maqapsgeg : large and globular / large and round / plump / bulbous / rotund
- maqatpat : big headed
- maqigjat : have big buttocks
- maqigtulit : have a big boat
- maqiptnat : have big hands
- maqisge'g : wide / broad / expansive / wide / broad / expansive
- maqisge'g : wide / broad / expansive / wide / broad / expansive
- maqisqonat : have a big nose
- maqistaqanat : have big ears / eavesdrop (slang)
- maqitnat : have big nostrils
- maqo'iptnat : have big arms (in girth) / have thick arms
- maqo'qonigata't : have big legs (in girth) / have thick legs
- maqoqsit : big (in girth) / big and round (cylindrical)
- maqsitat : have big feet
- maqtunat : have big mouth
- mesgi'g : big
- mesgigji'jit : somewhat big
- mesgilg : big
- miti'ji'j : sapling / small tree
- mtijin : inch / thumb
- musse'j : small piece / a bit
- mussew : piece
- newgt'pilja's'g : width/breath of the hand
- ngaqan : ruler / measure
- nutg'g : no longer fits / something has become too large or too small to fit anymore
- nutqwijijigwe'jg : insufficiently narrow
- nutqwijijigwe'jit : insufficiently narrow
- pemimqapsg'sit : become large and round
- pemimqapsgeg : become large and round
- pepg'te'muatl : thin out (head hair) by cutting
- pepga'q'g : thin iron / thin axe / thin knife
- pepga'toq : thin out / thin down
- pepge'jg : thin
- pepge'jit : thin
- pijigatat : long路legged
- pijiptnat : have long reach / have long arms
- pijisqonat : have a long nose
- pisga'taqanapi'ji'j : small chain
- pita'q : long / tall
- pitoqsit : tall
- pittaq : long
- pittaqapegisg : long enclosed structure (arena) / long open structure (wharf, air strip) / long strip of material (fabric)
- pittaqpisit : tethered (by long rope, string, chain, twine) / hitched by long rope
- pittaqsit : long
- pugwei : piece of / portion of
- siptaqa's'g : stretches
- siptaqa'sit : stretches
- telpita'q : is such length
- telpitoqsit : is such height / is such length
- tepaqapit : good fit / right size
- tepaqateg : fit / right size
- tepilugwet : work enough to... / work enough for...
- tetutgi'g : same size as / as big as this/that / approximate size
- tetutgi'g : same size as / as big as this/that / approximate size
- tetutgilg : same size as / as big as him/her/it / approximate size
- toqopaqji'jg : short and string shaped / short (in length)
- toqopaqji'jit : short and string shaped / short (in length)
- toqopsg'ji'jit : short and round
- toqopsg'sit : short and round (globular)
- toqopsgeg : short and round (globular)
- toqopsgigatat : short路legged
- toqwaqji'jg : short
- toqwaqji'jit : short / short of something
- wape'ji'jg : white small inanimate
- wape'ji'jit : tiny white animate
- weita'q : shrink
- weita't : shrink
- wela'q : right size in girth
- welg'g : good fit
- weljijigwe'jg : narrow enough
- weljijigwe'jit : narrow enough
- weloqsit : appropriate size in girth
- weltaqsit : good length (e.g. of rope)
- weltesg : fits well
- weltesing : good fit
- wesamgi'g : too big
- wesamgilg : too big
- wesamiapje'jg : too small
- wesamijijigwe'jg : too narrow
- wesamisge'g : too wide
- wesamitqwaqji'jit : too short
- wesammaqoqsit : too big (in girth) / too big and round (cylindrical)
Related entries for category "tree"
- amalo'qomanaqsi : fruit tree
- amnast'ga'taqan : bough/branch lining
- amnast'ga'toq : line it(wigwam/dwelling) with boughs/branches
- aqamoq : white ash tree
- aqamoqwe'gati : white ash grove
- aweligj : hazel wood / witch hazel
- eligua'q : have grain (as of wood)
- eliguet : have grain / lean toward
- epsmusi : Mountain ash
- gastug : Canada yew / Ground hemlock
- gawaqtejgumusi : gooseberry bush
- gawatgw : spruce tree
- gawigso'musi : thorn wood genus
- gi'taqanmusi : Staghorn sumac / sumac
- glamuejmnaqsi : serviceberry bush / billberry / shadbush (juneberry)
- gmu'j : stick / wood / piece of lumber / pile of lumber
- gmu'je'gaqan : lumbering / forestry
- gmu'je'get : get wood / cut lumber
- gmu'ji'j : small stick
- gmutta'tl : beat with a stick
- gnisgwastu : evergreen needle
- gsu'sgw : hemlock
- guow : pine
- ji'gataw : dressed wood
- joqjimusi : white maple tree
- lasqo'plaw : board / plank
- ligpete'gnapi : ash strip (for weaving baskets) / splint (for basket making)
- lnoqom : green wood
- lo'gs : log
- malipqwanjmusi : hazelnut bush / hazelnut tree
- malsnawei : soft maple / mountain maple / red maple
- masgwe's : young birch tree
- masgwe'simanaqse'gati : pin cherry tree grove
- masgwe'simanaqsi : pin cherry tree / cherry tree
- masgwe'simusi : birch genus
- masgwi : white birch tree / white birch bark
- me'goqomgwejg : dogwood / Red osier dogwood
- megwe'g_snawei : red maple / swamp maple / soft maple
- memgoqte'g : make a clearing / deforest / clear cut
- memgoqte'get : make a clearing / deforest / clear cutting
- meni'gwet : strip off bark (birch)
- menipqwa'latl : remove tree bark / take off tree bark
- menipqwa'toq : take off or remove tree bark
- menipqwa'wet : remove bark (from tree)
- mimgwaqan : perfume / hair路oil / acorn
- mimgwaqanimusi : oak tree
- minit : bears fruit
- miti : aspen / poplar
- miti'ji'j : sapling / small tree
- miti's : tree
- mnnoqon : yellow birch
- msaqa'gw : crust of bread / bark
- nasqo'plaw : board / plank
- ne'gasgi'gn : log (before being cut into specified lengths)
- nipisoqon : stick / rod / cane
- nipugt : forest / woods
- nnigmu'j : hardwood
- pa'migli : black poplar (Balm of Gilead) / kind of tree (related to poplar grows near water)
- papqwa'toq : strip off birchbark
- pematqaiet : go through thicket
- pqwa'w : tree bark (Nova Scotia)
- psaqa'gw : bark (of tree) / crust
- psetgun : branch (of tree) / knot (of tree)
- psetgunatgw : dead (dried out) tree branch
- psi'gwaqan : river drive
- pu'gowij : balsam sap
- pu'tlaqan : wood shaving
- pugsug : firewood
- pugu'sgw : dead and dry yellow birch
- qasgusi : cedar / cedar tree
- qasgusia'qamigt : cedar grove / Tide Head, New Brunswick
- sginaqanmusi : wild raisin bush
- slaps : slab (of wood)
- snawei : maple tree / hard rock maple / sugar maple
- sngatigna'taqan : raft (of logs)
- sngatigna'teget : work on boom / boom
- stoqon : fir tree / balsam tree / palm frond (used on Palm Sunday)
- stoqonaqsi : fir tree / balsam tree
- stoqone'get : search for fir trees
- suomusi : beech tree
- tmoqte鈥檊n : cut log
- tupsi : alder
- wasuet : blossom
- wenju'su'naqsi : apple tree
- wigpi : elm tree
- wijgwe'tlaqan : birch bark dish or platter
- wisqasaw : pine cone
- wisqoq : black ash / ash tree / brown ash / basket ash