Translation: He/she is fasting
Part of Speech: verb animate intransitive
- fast
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Pugwelg mimajuinu sune'wit te's siggw.Translation: Many people fast each spring time.Recording: Recording by ewm 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: su路nee路wit
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- sune'wi -- I fast -- (first person singular animate)
- sune'wieg -- We fast -- (first person dual exclusive animate)
- sune'wultieg -- We fast -- (first person plural exclusive animate)
Related entries for category "health"
- a'jijgopilaqan : bandage
- a'jijgopilatl : bandage
- a'jijgopilg : bandage
- alawe'ji'j : pill / tablet
- aluso'l : measles
- aluso'lewit : have measles
- amatpa't : have mental deficiency / retarded
- amiet : silly / foolish / becoming mentally ill
- amig'pistaqanat : slightly deaf / somewhat hard of hearing
- amnapegalatl : quarantine / put in quarantine
- apita't : bloated / swell / rises (as dough)
- apjigu'niet : bleed to death
- apjitoq : out of breath (as a result of a tantrum) / out of breath
- aptlama'latl : smother / block off air from
- aptlamit : suffocate
- aqatatpa't : half路witted
- asga'sit : limp
- asgaja't : walk with a limp / limp
- asgatesing : limp
- elu'gwit : something gets stuck in throat / choke (food)
- epsguninet : have dry tuberculosis
- epsimgewei : fever
- epsimgeweia'sit : becomes feverish
- etligu'niet : bleed profusely / bleed heavily
- etlinisigu'niet : bleed down
- etltesing : where one got struck / where one got injured / beat or move rythmically / dance / shake
- etmgwiet : recovering from illness
- ewlamgwiet : become peaked / become sickly in appearance / become run down
- ewlamugsit : be peaked / sickly in appearance / run down in appearance
- ewlmaje'g : suffer
- ewnasiet : confused / gone awry / mixed up / topsy turvy
- gamlamit : breathe
- gaqalamiet : out of breath
- gaqalamit : stop breathing
- gepa'tat : have hoarse voice
- gepe'g : blocked / plugged (of ear or nose)
- gepi'sit : speak huskily / speak hoarsely
- gepiet : become hoarse
- gepistaqanat : deaf
- gepitnetoqsit : sounds nasal / sounds hoarse
- gesa'latl : hurt
- gesaqtiat : diarrhea
- gesigsnugwat : very sick
- gesipiemgewei : eczema / itchiness
- gesipiet : itchy
- gesisewigna't : very weak(from being ill)
- gesnuguig : hurt / uncomfortably sore / ache
- gesnuguit : ache / hurt / sore
- gesnugwaj : ache / hurt / sore / uncomfortably sore
- gesnugwapewit : looks sick
- gesnugwat : sick
- gesnugwe'galsit : pretend to be ill / pretend to be sick / feign illness
- gesnugwetoqsit : sound sickly
- gesnugwiangamgusit : appear sickly
- gesoqsit : feel the burn badly / get a bad burn / get a painful burn
- gitaqasit : muscle ache / sore muscles / sore (of person)
- gitaqeg : muscle ache / sore (of body part)
- gitaqet : sore (of body part) / sore muscle
- gjipulgowei : epilepsy
- glmuej : mosquito / boil / carbuncle
- go'gwejij : spider / cancer
- gsnugo'guom : hospital
- gsnugowaqan : sickness / illness / virus
- gsnugowinu : sick person
- gtigiewinuj : drunkard
- gtigiewuti : drunkenness
- igeggwet : fall sick / in heat (said of dog) / lose mind suddenly
- igeggwet : fall sick / in heat (said of dog) / lose mind suddenly
- igeggwet : fall sick / in heat (said of dog) / lose mind suddenly
- ila'sit : get well / recover
- jajigamugsit : look healthy
- jajige'g : healthy
- jaqalipnet : illness progresses quickly
- la'qan : wound / gash / cut
- lapigot : smallpox / smallpox mark
- lapigotewit : have smallpox
- loqtnema't : have bad breath
- mala'sit : not doing well (health) / progressing slowly
- maligatat : weak legs or feet / fragile-legged / feeble-legged / frail-legged
- malpale'wi'sgw : woman doctor / female doctor
- malpale'wit : doctor
- maltewiaq : bleed
- maltewiet : bleed
- maltewig : bloody
- maltewit : bloody
- maltews'g : cause to bleed by cutting
- maltewsatl : cause to bleed by cutting
- maltewte'g : cause to bleed by striking
- maltewtesg : bleed as a result of a fall
- maltewtesing : bleed as a result of a fall
- maltewtesmatl : cause to bleed by a fall
- maltewtestoq : causes to bleed by a fall
- malugunat : have weak back
- mawgamig : corpulent / fattest
- mawgamit : corpulent / fattest
- melg'jat : constipated / have hard stool
- menaje'jit : frail / fragile / delicate
- mesiatl : infect / influence / affect
- mimajig : alive
- mimajit : alive
- minua'latl : revive
- misues : ringworm
- moqpeg : bloated / swollen
- moqpet : bloated / swollen
- mu_gesiuleiug : not too healthy / not too well
- naqsinijgig : heal quickly
- naqsinijgit : heal quickly
- ne'tistaqanat : extrememly good hearing
- nenestawe'g : timid / delicate / sickly
- nepilatl : cure / heal
- nepisit : heals one self / medicates self
- nepiteget : healer / curer
- nepitg : cure / heal
- nestu'et : become wiser / become knowledgeable [right and wrong] / mature / grow into maturity / regain consciousness
- ni'taqa't : recuperate
- nijgig : heal
- nijgit : heal
- nisqanane'g : bruise / bruise
- no'q'g : cough
- noqt'g : choke / gag (on food)
- npisun : medicine
- nujinpiteget : healer
- nujintus : barren / sterile
- nujumu : with gastric tuberculosis
- nujumuit : have gastric tuberculosis
- nutagnat : infirmed / feeble in body or health / ailing
- o'plisqatesg : sprain
- o'plisqatesing : sprain
- o'plisqatesmatl : sprain
- o'plisqatestoq : sprain
- oqonitpaqaiet : faint
- pangwenewet : delouse
- pe'gitnet : have nose bleed / bleed from nostril
- pegijipnet : suffers from long term illness
- pegitawsit : live long life
- pemulo'teget : health progressively getting better / feeling better / health improving
- pestaqa'latl : strain
- pestaqalsit : strains self
- pipqoqsitat : has a bunion
- pusgigjipulgwet : frequent epileptic seizures
- put'pegiaq : swell up / bloat
- put'pegiet : swell up / bloat
- putewisgwa's'g : blister
- putewisgwa'sit : blister
- putugtesing : dance fast / shake violently
- putuisgwa's'g : blister
- sa'qati : needle / knitting needle
- sapawsit : survive
- saptaqjing : chill through
- saputawsit : recover (from illness or an injury) / live through (survive)
- sewigna't : ill / weak (from illness) / listless / feverish
- sewtia't : have stomachache
- sinu'et : back to senses (after drinking)
- sismo'qoniet : diabetic / diabetes
- so'qotemit : vomit
- so'qotemun : vomit
- sune'wit : fast
- tajige'g : healthy
- tale'g : at what time? / what is wrong with...? / how is he/she?
- tgeia'tat : have cold
- ugjipulgewinu : epileptic
- ulugwe'get : have mumps / have swollen gland or tonsil
- ulugwiet : have tonsillitis
- waqaiew : pus
- waqaiewiaq : filled with pus
- waqaje'g : physically weak / not strong
- wejgiemgewei : chicken pox / scabbiness
- wejgiet : scabby
- wele'g : living well / fine / alive / healthy
- welmaje'g : suffer
- welo'teget : feel well / doing well / treat others well / kind to others
- wenmaje'g : suffer
- wetlamit : breathe from
- wigwiet : collapse from exhaustion / faint
- wijgwe'j : blister
- wijgwe'jua's'g : blister
- wijgwe'jua'sit : blister
- winpnet : have venereal disease
- wisawgwesgl : golden thread
- wisawinpisit : take a laxative, purgative, or aperient
- wisawow : yellow jaundice
Related entries for category "spirituality"
- a's'tuo'guom : church
- a'sutmaqan : prayer / religion
- a'sutmat : pray
- a'sutmessewatg : pray for
- a'sutmessewatl : pray for
- ansale'wit : angel
- elapalatl : splash with holywater / to use for the first time(slang) / bless
- elapatoq : bless using holywater / to use for the first time(slang) / bless
- emlsigtmat : hear a ghost / see a ghost / apparition of a spirit / spooked
- gale'mewit : observe lent
- gale'mewumg : Lent
- gaqtugwewe'sm : Thunderer (mythical spirit)
- geggunawet : godparent
- Gisu'lgw : Creator
- gjiansale'wit : archangel
- gjinisgam : Great Spirit
- gjisape'wit : patron saint
- guljie'wei : cross
- guljiewta'sit : crucifix / crucified
- guljiewta'sit : crucifix / crucified
- guljiewto'sit : cross oneself
- jenu : giant
- jijuejgwatp : steeple
- jipijga'm : horned serpent
- lapaltnewei : holy water
- lapatign : holy water sprinkler
- Lesui'p : Jew
- lnu_a'sutmamg : Native mass / Native language mass
- Ma'li : Virgin Mary
- mi'gmuessu : trickster spirit / person with supernatural powers
- mi'gmuessue'get : possessed by mi'gmuessu
- mjijaqamij : spirit / soul / shadow
- mntu : devil
- mntua'gi : hell
- najitgo'tg : to attend service / to attend church
- Nisgam : God
- nnu_a'sutmamg : Native mass / Native language mass
- nujiwsiget : fortuneteller / fortuneteller
- nujo'teget : witness / serve at mass / sheperd (in the song Nujo'taqatioq) / witness (as in a wedding) / server at mass
- pa'qapugua'latl : hear confession
- pa'qapuguatg : confess
- pa'qapuguet : confess
- pa'qapuguo'ti : confession
- pata'taqan : sin
- pata'teget : sin
- pema'teget : pallbearer
- pugulatmu'j : dwarf / elf / fairy
- puowin : shaman / sorcerer or sorceress
- sape'wig : holy / blessed
- sape'wit : saintly / holy / blessed
- Se'suguli : Jesus Christ
- Se'sus : Jesus
- Se'ta'n : Saint路Anne
- sg'te'gmuj : ghost
- signt'g : baptize / use first time
- signtuatl : baptize / use first time
- sune'wimg : fasting / time of fasting / fast day
- sune'wit : fast
- t'pgwan : gravel / soil / ashes from cremation
- ulapatmuaqan : blessing / favor obtained (religious)
- usgijipnew : host (communion)
- utqotalatl : bury
- utqotamg : burial / funeral
- utqotaqan : grave
- utqotaqane'gati : graveyard
- utqotatg : bury
- wa'so'q : heaven / the heavens
- westawu'lgw : Savior
Related entries for category "ritual"
- a'sutmaqan : prayer / religion
- a'sutmat : pray
- alame's : mass
- alame'sguimgewei : mass book
- alame'sig : mass is in process
- alame'siget : say mass / celebrate mass
- alame'sigewatl : say mass for ...
- elapalatl : splash with holywater / to use for the first time(slang) / bless
- elapatoq : bless using holywater / to use for the first time(slang) / bless
- elui'tmasuti : oath / pledge
- etu'gutewei : scapular
- gale'mewumg : Lent
- gaqama'sualatl : witness (at wedding, in court) / maid of honour (at wedding) / best man (at wedding)
- geggunawet : godparent
- gmenie'wit : receive holy communion
- gmnie'wit : take holy communion
- guljiewta'sit : crucifix / crucified
- guljiewto'sit : cross oneself
- lapaltnewei : holy water
- lapatign : holy water sprinkler
- lesqe'gn : clothes trunk / coffin / casket
- lnu_a'sutmamg : Native mass / Native language mass
- lnu'tesing : dance native style / dance aboriginal style
- malie'wit : marry
- malie'wuti : marriage
- najitgo'tg : to attend service / to attend church
- nepuitewei_alame's : funeral mass
- nesgawet : console / offer condolences / join in bereavement
- nipapultimg : wake of the dead / vigil for the dead/deceased
- nipia'sutmamg : midnight mass / Christmas
- nnu_a'sutmamg : Native mass / Native language mass
- nnu'tesing : dance native style / dance aboriginal style
- nujo'teget : witness / serve at mass / sheperd (in the song Nujo'taqatioq) / witness (as in a wedding) / server at mass
- pa'qapugua'latl : hear confession
- pa'qapuguatg : confess
- pa'qapuguet : confess
- pa'qapuguo'ti : confession
- pa'tlia's : priest / clergy
- pa'tlia'si'sgw : nun
- pa'tliatji'j : brother (religious)
- Pa'tligs'te'wumg : Saint Patrick's Day
- patgulme'sigaqan : altar
- pema'teget : pallbearer
- pessmgewei : holy picture or medal or crucifix
- puntalatl : cast spell on / bewitch / hex
- puntat : cast spell / bewitch / hex
- puntatg : cast spell on / bewitch / hex
- puowin : shaman / sorcerer or sorceress
- Sape'wig_Gesp'teg : Holy Saturday
- Sape'wig_Ne'wowei : Holy Thursday
- sape'winu : saint
- Se'suguli : Jesus Christ
- Se'sus : Jesus
- Se'ta'n : Saint路Anne
- Se'tane'umg : Saint路Anne's Day
- signt'g : baptize / use first time
- signtuatl : baptize / use first time
- sulming : rosary
- sune'wimg : fasting / time of fasting / fast day
- sune'wit : fast
- sunming : rosary
- t'pgwan : gravel / soil / ashes from cremation
- T'pgwantimg : Ash Wednesday
- tego'tg : attends mass / aware of / in close touch with / pays attention to
- temigale'm : mid路lent
- utqotalatl : bury
- utqotamg : burial / funeral
- utqotaqan : grave
- utqotatg : bury
- wa'so'q : heaven / the heavens
- weja'teget : get spouse from there
- welapetmuet : obtain (religious) favor