Translation: He/she warms him/her/it by applying heat
Part of Speech: verb animate transitive
- warm up by applying heat
- warm up by using body heat
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Negm apu'satl umijgamijl.Translation: He/she warms up his/her grandfather.Recording: Recording by dmm 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: a路buu路sa路d锚l
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- apu's'g -- apu's'k -- I warm him/her/it by applying heat -- (first person singular animate subject, third person singular animate object)
- apu'sul -- apu'sul -- I warm you by applying heat -- (first person singular animate subject, second person singular animate object)
- apu'sit -- apu'sit -- He warms me by applying heat -- (third person singular animate subject, first person singular animate object)
Related entries for category "temperature"
- amip'sit : slightly warm / somewhat warm
- amip'teg : slightly warm / somewhat warm
- amitge'g : bit cold / somewhat cold
- amitgig : bit cold / somewhat cold
- amitgit : bit cold / somewhat cold
- apu'jenatl : warm up by using body
- apu'jeng : warm up by using body
- apu's'g : warm up
- apu'satl : warm up by applying heat / warm up by using body heat
- apua'latl : thaw / warm
- apua'toq : thaw / warm
- epoqeg : slightly warm
- eppa'q : warm liquid
- eppaqsijig : warm (as in milk) / luke warm
- eppaqsit : warm liquid
- eppeteg : lukewarm liquid / lukewarm water
- eps'g : heat / warm up
- epsatl : heat / warm up
- epseweg : radiates heat / give heat
- epsewet : radiate heat / give heat
- epsimgewei : fever
- epsimgeweia'sit : becomes feverish
- epsit : feeling of hot body temperature / hot
- epsmat : keep own space hot / maintain dwelling at a high temperature / have own place at high temperature
- epteg : hot / hot temperature
- geljit : frozen / freeze
- gelt'g : frozen
- gisu'g'g : warmly dressed
- gisu'paqsijig : lukewarm (of liquid)
- gisu'piso'tlatl : dress up warmly
- gisue'g : keeps one warm / warm (clothing)
- menawjit : sensitive to cold / cold-blooded
- menawjit : sensitive to cold / cold-blooded
- mgumi : ice / icecube
- mgumi'gn : icicle
- mgumi'gnig : icy (in patches)
- mgumi'gnit : icy (in patches)
- minu'p'satl : reheat
- minu'p'sg : reheat
- newapalatl : cool off with water
- newapatoq : cool off with water
- nunmip'sit : moderately warm
- nunmip'teg : moderately warm
- pasgoqt'g : crack or split (from excessive cold)
- pasgoqteg : burst (from excessive heat) / shatter (from excessive heat)
- pemisugwit : paddle along
- pemitge'g : get cold (of weather)
- pemitgiaq : get chilly
- pemitgiet : getting cold
- poqjineweg : start to get cool / start of cool draft or breeze
- saptaqsing : cold wind passing through fabric / cold wind passing through clothing
- saptaqt'g : wind goes through it / cold goes through it / freezes through
- sesupe'g : slippery / slippery (due to weather)
- tega'latl : cool off
- tega'toq : cool off
- tegig : cold
- tegigata't : have cold feet
- tegigisg'g : chilly day
- tegiptnat : have cold hands
- tegistoq : cool
- tegit : cold
- teglo'qiaq : chilly evening
- tupig : frosted (as tree branch)
- wejaqamiet : boil
- welneweg : breezy / nice and cool (of air)
- welp'satl : warms up
- welp'sg : warm up
- welp'sit : nice and warm
- welp'smat : have well路heated house
- welp'teg : nice and warm
Related entries for category "tend"
- ango'tg : take care of / care for / look after / bring up / raise
- anguna'latl : cover / encase / enclose
- angweiwatl : take care of / care for / look after / bring up / raise
- apgnualatl : pacify / soothe / calm
- apu'jenatl : warm up by using body
- apu'jeng : warm up by using body
- apu's'g : warm up
- apu'satl : warm up by applying heat / warm up by using body heat
- atpi'sewatl : change diaper
- ejela'latl : have no control / in no position to do otherwise / unable to help or assist
- ejela'teget : can't do more (influencing or convincing) / unable to influence / unable to change
- ejela'toq : in no position to change / unable to help / have no control over
- ejigla'latl : take away
- ela'muet : ladle out / dish out the food
- elaqpilatl : hang a cloth to cover / shield or conceal (with drape)
- emisqo'tlatl : undress / strip naked
- epa'latl : seat
- epgenatl : fertilize
- epgeng : fertilize
- epgenign : manure / fertilizer
- epqwalatl : shelter
- eptoqalatl : leave in care of somebody / leave for safekeeping / temporarily custody
- eptoqatg : leave in care of somebody / leave for safekeeping
- esmatl : feed
- etnesing : brood (of bird) / nest (as bird)
- geliget : protect / guard / watch over
- gelo'tg : guard / keep watch over / hold in safekeeping
- gesipa'latl : relieve an itch by scratching / scratch
- gesipa'toq : scratch / relives an itch by scratching
- gesipa'tuaj : scratches it
- gesipa'tuatl : scratches it
- gesipta'tl : scratch with an object / scratch
- gesispa'latl : wash
- gesispa'lsit : wash self / take bath
- gesispapalatl : sponge bath / hose down
- gesispapalsit : wash slightly and hastily / take sponge bath / cursory bath
- gesispapatoq : wash slightly and hastily
- gsipo'qiwan : scratching place
- nanama'latl : rock (baby) / swing
- nangweng : comb out lice or other foreign matter / delouse
- naqanu'set : take care of baby
- nespit : baby路sit / house路sit
- nugwaltugo'n : comb
- nugwaltugo'sit : comb hair
- nujeiwatl : in charge of / responsible for / handle
- nujins'pit : baby sitter / house sitter
- nujo'tg : in charge of / responsible for / handle
- nusalatl : suckle (infant) / breastfeed
- nuse'sgwet : nurse / breastfeed / breastfeeder / nurser / wet nurse
- nuset : breast-feed
- nutpet : bartender
- pangwenatl : delouse / groom
- pangwenewet : delouse
- pegajeiwatl : keep in good shape or condition
- pegajo'tg : keep in good shape or condition
- pegwaja'latl : clean dress or gut (as fish, chicken)
- pi'sano'tlatl : put diaper on... / to diaper
- pi't'pet : pour in / tend bar (Nova Scotia)
- sapa'toq : save (from mishap) / get through
- wesgo'tg : handle / fondle / have, possess (Nova Scotia) / process of doing
- wesgweiwatl : handle / fondle / have, possess (Nova Scotia)
- wijitgo'tg : stay with / join in
- wijitgweiwatl : keep company / join