Translation: He/she is dizzy
Part of Speech: verb animate intransitive
- dizzy
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Mu getu' mnja'sigw muta ewnasgwiet menja'sij.Translation: He/she doesn't want to get up (from lying down) becasue he/she is dizzy when he/she gets up.Recording: Recording by dmm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: ew·nas·kwi·et
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- ewnasgwiei -- I am dizzy -- (first person singular animate)
- ewnasgwieieg -- We are dizzy -- (first person dual exclusive animate)
- ewnaswia'tieg -- We are dizzy -- (first person plural exclusive animate)
Related entries for category "state"
- a'qatapit : half intoxicated / somewhat intoxicated
- amins'tue'g : somewhat rational / partly sane
- amjepit : tipsy
- amjimoqpit : stuck
- amjimoqteg : stuck
- amjimoqtesg : caught and stuck
- amjimoqtesing : caught and stuck
- amjimoqwa'latl : stuck inside of hole (pipe) / stuck and laying down
- amjimoqwa'sit : stuck / unable to move
- amjimoqwa'toq : cause to be stuck
- an'stawe'g : delicate / fragile
- an'stawpit : unsafe position
- an'stawteg : unsafe / unsafe position
- aptaqatg : stay permanently
- aptlamig : stuffy / suffocate
- aptlamsing : lose breath (in gale)
- aqatatpa't : half·witted
- awialusing : encircled with halo
- esge'g : raw / uncooked
- esgig : green / not dryed(firewood) / uncured
- esgit : green(of foliage) / uncured
- esgmoqon : slime
- esma'teg : neat and tidy
- espulqeg : deep hole
- essit : ripe
- etteg : ripe
- ewe'g'pit : loose
- ewe'g'teg : loose
- ewle'jg : poor / poor condition
- ewle'jit : unfortunate / needy / poor / poor condition
- ewle'juaqan : poverty / hard times
- ewnasgwatpetesing : dazed from a fall / confused from a head injury
- ewnasgwetesing : dizzy caused by a blow or fall / dazed caused by a blow or fall / confused caused by a blow or fall / dizzy caused by a lot of head movement
- ewnasgwiet : dizzy
- ewnasiaq : gone awry / mixed up / topsy turvy / confused
- gaqama's'g : stand up / become erect
- gaqama'sit : stand up
- gaqamglet : finished burning
- gaqamig : stand
- gaqapiasit : dried up / finished drying up / finished drying out / thoroughly dry
- gaqapiateg : dried up / thoroughly dry
- gaqg'g : wear out (clothing article)
- gaqgmat : wear out clothes
- gaqguatl : wear out (clothing article)
- gegpewisg : dew / morning dew
- gejimoqteg : is obstructing the way
- gelgwisge'g : sprained / fractured
- geljit : frozen / freeze
- gelt'g : frozen
- gepe'g : blocked / plugged (of ear or nose)
- gepjoqpit : plugged / it is closed / blocked / shut
- gepsga'latl : put to sleep
- gepsgiet : drift off to sleep
- gesaqeg : steep
- gesaqet : steep
- gesaseg : shine / shines bright / bright
- gesaset : shine / shines bright / bright
- gesateg : bright
- gesigaq : slides fast
- gesigat : slides fast
- gesipgueg : scratchy / causing itchiness(of garment)
- gesp'g : dull / blunt / not sharp
- gesplatl : make dull / make blunt
- getemetesultijig : all killed
- getgiet : drunk
- getmenejig : extinct / totally wiped-out through death
- gi'g : sharp / sharp / house / home
- gi'g : sharp / sharp / house / home
- gisgatteg : ready / prepared
- gispneg : tired
- gispnet : tired
- gitnmat : have difficulty / have hard time
- gitnmo'tg : give a hard time
- giwto'qiet : spin / turns / get dizzy
- gjitmei : genuine / real one / genuine / real one / really / actually / truly / factually
- guntewiet : turns into stone / becomes petrified
- ilta'latl : shut / close
- ilteget : shut quickly
- istue'g : different / not normal / strange / different / strange
- jenteg : quiet
- jigawepit : inactive / dull / quite
- jigaweteg : inactive / dull / boring / quiet
- jijjema'q : smell bad / stink
- jijjema't : smell bad / stink
- majo'qiaq : wobble
- majo'qiet : wobble
- mala'sit : not doing well (health) / progressing slowly
- male'g : lazy
- maltewig : bloody
- maltewit : bloody
- mawgamig : corpulent / fattest
- mawgamit : corpulent / fattest
- mejigamugsit : have dirty appearance / look dirty
- melga'latl : harden
- melgapegisg : tough and stringy
- melge'g : hard / hard
- melge'g : hard / hard
- melgiaqasit : muscular / tough
- melgigit : solidly built
- memge'g : uncultivated field / cleared fiekl
- menagwisg : wobbly / unbalanced / tipsy
- menagwising : wobbly / unbalanced / tipsy
- menaje'jit : frail / fragile / delicate
- metgwe'g : stiff / stiff
- metgwe'g : stiff / stiff
- milesit : rich
- mimajig : alive
- mimajit : alive
- mimajuaqan : life / living
- mime'g : oily / greasy / greasy
- mime'g : oily / greasy / greasy
- misissiaq : get raggedy
- mjigapu : dirty water / used (scrubbing) water
- mjigei : dirt / garbage
- moqpeg : bloated / swollen
- moqpet : bloated / swollen
- musgasg'pit : protrude / stick out
- musgasg'teg : protrude / stick out
- musigapsg'sit : smooth and round
- musige'g : bare / empty / clear / bare / empty / clear
- musige'g : bare / empty / clear / bare / empty / clear
- musigta's'g : clear by cutting / clear by chopping off
- musigta'sit : clear by cutting / clear by chopping off
- nasgwine'g : torn in half / torn in half
- nasgwine'g : torn in half / torn in half
- nenmue'g : damp / damp
- nenmue'g : damp / damp
- nepg : dead
- ngutei : same as / too / also / just like
- npuaqan : death
- npuinu : dead person / corpse
- nujgma't : melt / thaw
- oqoqiaq : mold / fungal growth on damp or decaying matter
- pa'ge'g : sober
- pajijipilei : newest / newer than new / newest one / newer than new
- pase'g : thick / thick
- pasgina'latl : tear or rip
- pasgina'toq : tear or rip
- pasgine'g : ripped or torn / ripped or torn
- pasgine'g : ripped or torn / ripped or torn
- paspit : thick / dense / piled deep
- pasteg : thick / dense
- pegatnmat : neat / clean and tidy
- pegatteg : neat / clean and tidy
- pegeja'teget : neaten / clean
- pelsit : thick
- salawe'g : salty / salty
- salawe'g : salty / salty
- sape'wig : holy / blessed
- sasqateg : flat
- se'sa'toq : mess up / disarray / spread
- siguapatign : rinse (water)
- sipigpa'q : supple / flexible
- sipigpa't : supple / flexible
- sugulegaq : rotten
- sugulegat : rotten
- tegniaq : sweat
- temine'g : ripped / torn / ripped
- temine'g : ripped / torn / ripped
- tugune'g : hollow / hollow / empty headed
- tugune'g : hollow / hollow / empty headed
- waju'et : full
- wantaqo'ti : peace
- wantaqteg : quiet
- welaqapit : slightly intoxicated / feel good (from drinking)
Related entries for category "feel"
- jipaluwejitu'et : leaving in fear
- amasgate'lmatl : feel thoughtful of / feel considerate for / worry about
- amasgate'tg : feel thoughtful of / feel considerate for
- an'stawite'tg : unsure of it's safety
- aniamugwet : suffering for past wrongs / punishment for past wrongs
- ansue'g : unfortunate / too bad
- ansuite'lmatl : feel sorry for / feel bad about
- ansuite'tg : regret / feel bad about
- apjimt'g : unable to stop crying
- asgaiwatl : causing hurt / aggravate
- asgate'lmatl : spare feelings / pity
- atgitemit : cry / weep
- atgitemu'latl : cause to cry
- emtesgite'lmatl : think superior over / being arrogant toward / place oneself above
- emtoqwatg : worship
- etlite'lmatl : expect / suspect
- etlite'tg : expect / suspect / think
- etltemit : cry
- ewnasgwiet : dizzy
- gaqamu'tm'gewei : patience
- gepmite'lmatl : honor / pay homage / respect
- gepmite'tg : honor / pay homage / respect
- gesa'latl : hurt
- gesalatl : like / love
- gesaltimgewei : act of love
- gesaluet : love
- gesatg : like / enjoys / love
- gesgma'qa'latl : causes shivers
- gesgma'qiet : shivers up spine / shudder
- gesimt'g : cry hard / wail
- gesipualatl : want very much / covet
- gesipuatg : wants very much / covet
- gesite'tg : think highly of / really, especially, or extremely fond of / proud / value
- gesnoqowite'tg : not take seriously / not think highly of / disrespect / disregard
- gesoqsit : feel the burn badly / get a bad burn / get a painful burn
- getlamite'lmatl : believes in / trusts in
- gewjatpewjit : head is cold
- gewjia'qiet : feel chilly / have chills
- gewjipnewjit : feel hands cold
- gewjit : feel cold
- gewtaqsigit : feel cold feet
- gi'nujing : proud / prideful / look proud
- gi'nujing : proud / prideful / look proud
- gimtemit : cry secretly / cry silently
- giwajeiwatl : long for / yearn for
- giwajo'tg : long for / yearn for
- giwattesguatl : sadden by his/her departure
- gtantaqan : plot against / hatred / scheme against / connivery
- jigajiet : irritable / uncomfortable
- jipajita'sit : fearful thoughts / paranoid
- jipaluejituiet : become hysterical
- jipsit : startled
- jiptugewet : doubtful
- jiptugwet : is doubtful
- jiptuo'wet : is doubtful
- jipulatl : startles
- ma'munigsalatl : love very much / like very much
- masgelget : estrange / separated (in marriage)
- masgelmatl : hate / loath / detest
- masgelt'g : hate / loath / detest
- massaqiet : sexually aroused or stimulated
- mawiulta'sit : become ecstatic / very happy or pleased
- mawiulta'suaqan : joyful time / joyful occasion
- megite'lmatl : think highly of / overly fond of
- megite'tas'g : highly praised / honored / highly regarded / prized
- megite'tasit : highly praised / honored / highly regarded / prized
- megite'tg : think highly of / very fond of
- megitelsit : conceited / have high opinion of self
- megt'g : doubt / disbelieve
- megtuatl : doubt / disbelieve
- mesge'g : sorry / regret an act
- metewenmit : heard laughing
- metewilua't : heard sounding off in anger / heard bellowing (as moose)
- metewtemit : heard crying
- metuite'tg : apprehensive / dread / anxious about
- migua'latl : satisfied with
- migua'toq : satisfied with
- milgwija'sit : mixed emotions / apprehensive about the future / imagine many possibilities
- musuet : miss / lonesome
- na'jigat : strong desire / yearn for
- nantunatl : feel about blindly or in the dark / feel around for blindly or in the dark
- naqajit : doesn't feel like doing something / delaying
- naqatgelsit : self-conscious / shy
- nenaqite'tg : anxious for / eager for / in a hurry for
- nenatua'latl : feels around for
- nenatua'teget : feels around (palpates)
- nenatua'toq : feel around for it / palpate
- nenuite'lmatl : respect
- nenuite'tg : respect
- nepe'g : sensitive / temperamental / touchy / easily offended / easily agitated
- nesawet : timid / easily frightened
- nesguatl : console
- netaga'latl : embarrass
- netaga'sit : get embarrassed / ashamed / acting shy
- pa'qalaig : surprised / amazed
- pa'qalaiwaqan : surprising news or event / amazing news or event / astonishing news or event / surprise
- paqsipgetemit : burst out crying / crying hard
- pejila'sit : arrive unannounced or unexpectedly or by surprise
- pemisiawtemit : pass by and crying
- pemtemit : going by and crying
- pemulo'teget : health progressively getting better / feeling better / health improving
- pettemit : gets here crying / arrives crying
- pewalatl : want
- pewatg : want / desire
- pissaqutnat : has numb mouth
- pisse'g : numb
- pissiet : become numb
- poqjiatgitemit : begin to cry
- poqwajite'tg : mistrust
- pujite'lmatl : trust
- pujite'tg : trust
- punelmit : stop laughing
- puntemit : stop crying
- pusgigsatg'p : used to like
- qalipu'sitat : jealous / bitter jealousy
- sangewite'lmatl : trust
- sangewite'tg : trust
- saptaqjing : chill through
- sespete'lmatl : worry about
- sespete'tg : worry about / preoccupied with / on one's mind
- si'guatl : make uncomfortable / irritate / bother / uneasy
- si'guig : irritate / irritates my skin / feels irritating
- siwiet : become impatient / frustrated / bored / fed up
- siwlugwet : tired of working
- siwogt'g : lonesome for
- siwogtuatl : lonesome for
- siwpmiet : tired of walking
- tagaliet : feel anger
- tale'g : at what time? / what is wrong with...? / how is he/she?
- taqawaja'latl : sadden
- taqawaje'g : sad / feel depressed
- tego'tg : attends mass / aware of / in close touch with / pays attention to
- teleiaq : seems as such
- telo'tg : treat so / treat as such / perceive that / seems that / find that
- tetaqite'tg : anxious for / eager for / in a hurry for
- ulmaita'suaqan : sorrowful thought / sadness / sorrow
- ulta'suaqan : happiness / gladness / pleasure
- ulta'suti : gladness
- we'tunatl : feel by hand / feel by touch / feel the weight
- wegaia'latl : anger someone
- wegaig : angry
- wegaiugt'g : angry with / mad at
- wegaiugtuatl : angry with / mad at
- wejgwatemit : comes crying
- wejitu'wet : exit out of / exit from / exit through / goes outdoors from / go out because / reason he/she leaves
- wela's'g : turn out well
- wela'sit : relieved / feeling good (from being ill) / turn out well
- welaqapit : slightly intoxicated / feel good (from drinking)
- weljepit : tipsy / feel good (from drinking)
- weljesing : happy
- welmaita'sit : sad / suffer (in thinking)
- welo'gt'g : positive premonition / premonition
- welo'teget : feel well / doing well / treat others well / kind to others
- welta'sit : happy / glad
- welta'sualatl : happy for someone
- welta'suatg : happy for
- welte'lmatl : approve of / thinks well of
- welte'teget : joyful
- welte'tg : approve of
- wetmite'lmatl : have need for / have use for
- wettemit : cry (Shubenacadie) / bleat (Shubenacadie)
- wi'segesit : burn sensation / feel as if on fire
- wi'segeteg : burn sensation / feel as if on fire
- wisguet : jealous / envious
- wisqatesguatl : drops in on someone suddenly and unexpectedly / take by surprise