Translation: Life
Part of Speech: noun inanimate
- life
- living
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Mu' na ne'gaw naqamase'gtnug mimajuaqan ula Listugujg.Translation: Life hasn't always been easy here in Listuguj.Recording: Recording by jnw 馃攭
Pronunciation Guide: mi路ma路ju路a路hgan
Related entries for category "work"
- a'lutasit : guide (by boat) / fishing guide
- agase'wa'latl : hire
- agase'wa'toq : hire / to pay for the use of / lease
- agase'wit : enlist / sign up / trade (Cape Breton) / hire (New Brunswick)
- alaqtegewinu : mariner / sailor
- allugwet : work in different locations / work at odd jobs
- alsusit : boss / boss / supervise / direct / oversee
- alsusit : boss / boss / supervise / direct / oversee
- aluse'wit : carpenter / carpentry
- amallugwatg : decorate
- amallugweg : decorate
- amallugwet : decorate
- amilugwet : work a bit / work a little
- angu'lugwet : work extra
- aniapsuinu : penitent / one who sacrifices / missionary
- aniapsuinu'sgw : female penitent / female who sacrifices / female saint / female missionary / nun
- aplugwet : return from work / back from work
- assusit : boss / boss / supervise / direct / oversee
- assusit : boss / boss / supervise / direct / oversee
- attigna's'g : work hard / laborious / work to the limit
- attigna'sit : work hard / strain / laborious / work to limit
- awanlugwet : unskilled worker / works poorly
- awtit : on salary / being paid / cost
- ela'gipulatl : to cut with a saw
- ela'gittoq : cut with a saw
- ela'qate'get : forges into certain shape / hammers into certain shape
- elamgo'lajig : pile / play solitaire
- elamgo'toql : piles things / stacks things
- elawigatas'g : porcupine quillwork / decorated with porcupine quills
- elawigateget : does quillwork / works with porcupine quills
- elgesawet : plow up
- elgesg : till / plow up(ground)
- elgete'get : hoe / loosen soil with hoe
- eligjepilawet : make bottom part (of basket)
- eligjipilg : weave bottom (of basket)
- elugowatl : work for
- elugwa'tl : work / make work
- elugwalatl : repair / prepare / fix
- elugwatg : repair / fix
- elugweg : operating / work
- elugwet : operates / work
- elugwetoq : use it to work
- elulatl : give a task / ask to do something
- enmilugweg : works until...
- enmilugwet : work until...(midnight)
- etllugweg : work
- etllugwet : working / work there / place of work
- etlsegnatl : construct or build with brick or cement blocks
- etlsegng : construct or build with brick or cement blocks
- ewllugwet : poor quality work / badly done work
- gaqa'latl : complete / finish / terminate / end
- gaqa'teget : finished doing something / finish a task
- gaqa'toq : complete / finish / finish a task / terminate / end
- gaqalugweg : finished working / stop working
- gaqalugwet : finished working
- gast'pl : police officer
- gegina'muet : teach
- gegnu'lugwet : work properly
- geitapaqte'g : drive in (as nail)
- gepta'toq : take down from the top / unload / remove from the top or inside
- gesgija'toq : place over / put over
- gesigawlugweg : works quickly
- gesigawlugwet : works fast / works non-stop / works quickly
- getantoq : hunt / strive to obtain / gather / work to earn
- gi'gajilugwet : work in spite of...
- giasgilugwet : work with precision / work properly
- giaspilugwet : last time worked
- gimilugwet : work in secret / work secretly
- gina'sit : put a lot of effort / try hard
- gisilugwet : able to work
- glaptan : blacksmith
- gmu'je'gaqan : lumbering / forestry
- gmu'je'get : get wood / cut lumber
- jaqalilugwet : work quickly
- jaqallugweg : works quickly
- ji'gata'tl : hew / dress / trim
- jigg'puteget : rake
- lgowaqan : job / work / task
- lisgnuaqan : weaving / knitting
- lugowaqan : task / work / job / jobs
- lugowinu : worker / laborer
- lugowinu'sgw : worker (female) / laborer (female)
- mallugweg : work poorly
- mallugwet : works poorly / works lazily
- malpale'wi'sgw : woman doctor / female doctor
- malpale'wit : doctor
- matlot : sailor
- matnaggewinu : fighter / warrior
- matu'lugwet : do odd or simple jobs / handyperson
- melgilugwet : works hard
- miguteget : plane (as in carpentry)
- millugwet : do different kinds of work
- mimajuaqan : life / living
- minua'toq : duplicate / redo
- minuoqs'g : recook
- msigue'get : make hay / collect sweet grass
- na'gwegewa'q : paid daily
- najilugwet : go to work
- naqsilugweg : works quickly
- naqsilugwet : work quickly
- naqsio'pla'toq : quickly do wrong
- naqsitetapua'toq : quickly do right / quickly do correctly
- nata'lugwet : know how to work / good worker
- nata'nmat : good at whatever they do / capable person / handy / handyman / jack of all trades
- ne'patat : slaughter own livestock / slaughterer / butcher
- nespilugweg : work while also... / work at same time as...
- nespilugwet : work while also... / work at same time as...
- newtlugwet : work alone
- niganawtiget : trail blazer / head swamper / head swamper / blaze trail
- niganawtiget : trail blazer / head swamper / head swamper / blaze trail
- niganpuguit : leader / stand at the front / stand ahead / leader
- niplugwet : work at night / work night shift
- nme'j'gowinu : fisher
- nme'juaqan : fishery / fishing industry
- nugtoqtejgwej : house keeper / maid / servant
- nuja'gitteget : sawyer
- nujagnutmewinu : lawyer / reporter
- nujatejo'tasit : twitcher (person who by horse or machine, pulls logs from woods) / twitch (person who by horse or machine, pulls logs from woods)
- nujatejo'tasit : twitcher (person who by horse or machine, pulls logs from woods) / twitch (person who by horse or machine, pulls logs from woods)
- nujatejo'teget : twitch logs (person who by horse or machine, pulls logs from woods) / hauls logs
- nujatejo'toqol : haul / twitch (in logging)
- nuji'pit : runner (professional) / errand runner / runner (professional) / errand runner
- nujiajig : make (professionally)
- nujiamalgat : dancer / dancer
- nujiasigetg : teamster
- nujielutuet : imitator / impersonator
- nujiewjo'lajig : hauler / transporter
- nujiewjo'tasit : hauler
- nujiewjo'teget : delivery person / hauler / deliver / transport / haul
- nujiewjo'toq : haul
- nujigeluet : matchmaker
- nujigina'muet : educator / teacher / teacher / educator
- nujigina'muet : educator / teacher / teacher / educator
- nujigoqwa'luet : wrestler / repossesser (Nova Scotia) / wrestler / repossesser (Nova Scotia)
- nujigoqwa'luet : wrestler / repossesser (Nova Scotia) / wrestler / repossesser (Nova Scotia)
- nujigsmoqja'teget : foreman / pusher / foreman / pusher
- nujigtu'muet : musicial entertainer / entertainer (with musical instrument)
- nujiilsuteget : judge
- nujimila'teget : prankster / joker / jester / joker / prankster / jester
- nujimuet : counsellor / advisor / counsel / advise
- nujinapui'giget : photographer / take photograph
- nujinget : scaler (in lumbering) / one who does the measuring / scale (in lumbering)
- nujinpiteget : healer
- nujinqasui'get : firefighter
- nujins'pit : baby sitter / house sitter
- nujintoq : singer / singer
- nujintuisget : salesperson / peddler / vendor
- nujipestung : preacher / preacher
- nujipgwateliget : buyer / purchaser / buyer / purchaser
- nujipi't'pet : bartender / bootlegger
- nujipipnet : baker
- nujipipugwet : musician / whistler / horn blower / musician / whistler / horn blower
- nujiputaqiget : butcher / butcher
- nujisa'se'wamugwa'teget : magician / one who changes things
- nujitmasaqte'muet : barber
- nujitoq : make professionally
- nujitoqtet : baker (professional)
- nujiwsiget : fortuneteller / fortuneteller
- nussaqiget : clerk / clerk
- nuta'gittegewinu : sawyer
- nutagnutmewinu : lawyer / reporter
- nutanguet : responsible for provisioning / responsible for buying
- nutanteget : hunter / killer / hunter / killer
- nutapit : scout (around) / scout
- nutapteget : coroner
- nutateji'puteget : delivery person
- nutateji'putoq : deliver
- nutpet : bartender
- nutpipnet : bread-baker
- nutqalugwet : poor quality work
- nutsegnewet : bricklayer / mason
- pa'tlia's : priest / clergy
- pa'tlia'si'sgw : nun
- pa'tliatji'j : brother (religious)
- pegajilugwet : work neatly / work cleanly
- pejilugwet : came here to work / arrive here to work
- pejue'get : fish for cod
- pemlugweg : go along working
- pemlugwet : go along working
- pesi'gugwet : river drive
- pi't'pet : pour in / tend bar (Nova Scotia)
- piltu'lugweg : work differently
- piltu'lugwet : do different work / do something else
- poqjilugweg : start to work
- poqjilugwet : begin to work
- psi'gwaqan : river drive
- pugwellugwet : do a lot of work
- punlugowatl : stop working for
- punlugweg : stop working
- punlugwet : stop work
- pusgilugwet : usually works
- pusgiullugweg : usually work well / generally work well
- pusgiullugwet : usually work well / habitually work well
- putaqatl : butcher
- putaqiget : butcher
- sangewlugweg : work slowly
- sangewlugwet : work slowly / work calmly
- saqamawit : boss / chief / supervisor
- sespilugweg : work noisily
- sespilugwet : work noisily
- siawlugweg : continue work
- siawlugwet : continue work
- sipgilugweg : work slowly
- sipgilugwet : work slowly
- siwlugwet : tired of working
- siwnoqigwatg : straighten it out by hand / straighten it out by hand with a tool / straighten out by combing
- sngatigna'teget : work on boom / boom
- sngatigna'tegewinu : rafter / one who gathers logs into booms destined for mill
- tallugweg : how does it work?
- tallugwet : what is he/she doing? / what type of work does he/she do? / what does he/she do?
- te'sipowji'j : young horse / foal / portable work bench (in carpentry) / sawhorse
- tellugweg : works in such a way
- tellugwet : do such work / works in such a way
- temastaqte'muet : cut hair / barber / hairdresser / barber / hairdresser
- tepilugwet : work enough to... / work enough for...
- tewlugwet : work away from home / work outside the community
- toqolugwegl : two work together / two work in tandem
- toqolugwejig : work together / work in tandem / work in pairs
- unjewit : lead of something / head of something
- usgaqan : fishery / fishing industry
- usgewinu : fisher
- wa'we'j : egg person (deliverer)
- wantaqilugwet : work calmly / work quietly
- wejilugweg : works from... / works because... / reason it works
- wejilugwet : work because / reason for work / work from (location)
- wellugweg : work well
- wellugwet : do good work / work well / do well (in general) / succeed (in general)
- wenaqto'sit : move up (in world) / help oneself up (in the world)
- wesgo'tas'g : worked on
- wesigalatl : tell fortune of
- wesuejo'qwa'latl : undertake / tackle / take on
- wesuejo'qwa'toq : undertake / tackle / take on
- wi'gu'lugweg : work strangely / work weirdly
- winpasit : hustle / try hard
- wiuse'j : butcher / meat handler (cutter)
Related entries for category "state"
- a'qatapit : half intoxicated / somewhat intoxicated
- amins'tue'g : somewhat rational / partly sane
- amjepit : tipsy
- amjimoqpit : stuck
- amjimoqteg : stuck
- amjimoqtesg : caught and stuck
- amjimoqtesing : caught and stuck
- amjimoqwa'latl : stuck inside of hole (pipe) / stuck and laying down
- amjimoqwa'sit : stuck / unable to move
- amjimoqwa'toq : cause to be stuck
- an'stawe'g : delicate / fragile
- an'stawpit : unsafe position
- an'stawteg : unsafe / unsafe position
- aptaqatg : stay permanently
- aptlamig : stuffy / suffocate
- aptlamsing : lose breath (in gale)
- aqatatpa't : half路witted
- awialusing : encircled with halo
- esge'g : raw / uncooked
- esgig : green / not dryed(firewood) / uncured
- esgit : green(of foliage) / uncured
- esgmoqon : slime
- esma'teg : neat and tidy
- espulqeg : deep hole
- essit : ripe
- etteg : ripe
- ewe'g'pit : loose
- ewe'g'teg : loose
- ewle'jg : poor / poor condition
- ewle'jit : unfortunate / needy / poor / poor condition
- ewle'juaqan : poverty / hard times
- ewnasgwatpetesing : dazed from a fall / confused from a head injury
- ewnasgwetesing : dizzy caused by a blow or fall / dazed caused by a blow or fall / confused caused by a blow or fall / dizzy caused by a lot of head movement
- ewnasgwiet : dizzy
- ewnasiaq : gone awry / mixed up / topsy turvy / confused
- gaqama's'g : stand up / become erect
- gaqama'sit : stand up
- gaqamglet : finished burning
- gaqamig : stand
- gaqapiasit : dried up / finished drying up / finished drying out / thoroughly dry
- gaqapiateg : dried up / thoroughly dry
- gaqg'g : wear out (clothing article)
- gaqgmat : wear out clothes
- gaqguatl : wear out (clothing article)
- gegpewisg : dew / morning dew
- gejimoqteg : is obstructing the way
- gelgwisge'g : sprained / fractured
- geljit : frozen / freeze
- gelt'g : frozen
- gepe'g : blocked / plugged (of ear or nose)
- gepjoqpit : plugged / it is closed / blocked / shut
- gepsga'latl : put to sleep
- gepsgiet : drift off to sleep
- gesaqeg : steep
- gesaqet : steep
- gesaseg : shine / shines bright / bright
- gesaset : shine / shines bright / bright
- gesateg : bright
- gesigaq : slides fast
- gesigat : slides fast
- gesipgueg : scratchy / causing itchiness(of garment)
- gesp'g : dull / blunt / not sharp
- gesplatl : make dull / make blunt
- getemetesultijig : all killed
- getgiet : drunk
- getmenejig : extinct / totally wiped-out through death
- gi'g : sharp / sharp / house / home
- gi'g : sharp / sharp / house / home
- gisgatteg : ready / prepared
- gispneg : tired
- gispnet : tired
- gitnmat : have difficulty / have hard time
- gitnmo'tg : give a hard time
- giwto'qiet : spin / turns / get dizzy
- gjitmei : genuine / real one / genuine / real one / really / actually / truly / factually
- guntewiet : turns into stone / becomes petrified
- ilta'latl : shut / close
- ilteget : shut quickly
- istue'g : different / not normal / strange / different / strange
- jenteg : quiet
- jigawepit : inactive / dull / quite
- jigaweteg : inactive / dull / boring / quiet
- jijjema'q : smell bad / stink
- jijjema't : smell bad / stink
- majo'qiaq : wobble
- majo'qiet : wobble
- mala'sit : not doing well (health) / progressing slowly
- male'g : lazy
- maltewig : bloody
- maltewit : bloody
- mawgamig : corpulent / fattest
- mawgamit : corpulent / fattest
- mejigamugsit : have dirty appearance / look dirty
- melga'latl : harden
- melgapegisg : tough and stringy
- melge'g : hard / hard
- melge'g : hard / hard
- melgiaqasit : muscular / tough
- melgigit : solidly built
- memge'g : uncultivated field / cleared fiekl
- menagwisg : wobbly / unbalanced / tipsy
- menagwising : wobbly / unbalanced / tipsy
- menaje'jit : frail / fragile / delicate
- metgwe'g : stiff / stiff
- metgwe'g : stiff / stiff
- milesit : rich
- mimajig : alive
- mimajit : alive
- mimajuaqan : life / living
- mime'g : oily / greasy / greasy
- mime'g : oily / greasy / greasy
- misissiaq : get raggedy
- mjigapu : dirty water / used (scrubbing) water
- mjigei : dirt / garbage
- moqpeg : bloated / swollen
- moqpet : bloated / swollen
- musgasg'pit : protrude / stick out
- musgasg'teg : protrude / stick out
- musigapsg'sit : smooth and round
- musige'g : bare / empty / clear / bare / empty / clear
- musige'g : bare / empty / clear / bare / empty / clear
- musigta's'g : clear by cutting / clear by chopping off
- musigta'sit : clear by cutting / clear by chopping off
- nasgwine'g : torn in half / torn in half
- nasgwine'g : torn in half / torn in half
- nenmue'g : damp / damp
- nenmue'g : damp / damp
- nepg : dead
- ngutei : same as / too / also / just like
- npuaqan : death
- npuinu : dead person / corpse
- nujgma't : melt / thaw
- oqoqiaq : mold / fungal growth on damp or decaying matter
- pa'ge'g : sober
- pajijipilei : newest / newer than new / newest one / newer than new
- pase'g : thick / thick
- pasgina'latl : tear or rip
- pasgina'toq : tear or rip
- pasgine'g : ripped or torn / ripped or torn
- pasgine'g : ripped or torn / ripped or torn
- paspit : thick / dense / piled deep
- pasteg : thick / dense
- pegatnmat : neat / clean and tidy
- pegatteg : neat / clean and tidy
- pegeja'teget : neaten / clean
- pelsit : thick
- salawe'g : salty / salty
- salawe'g : salty / salty
- sape'wig : holy / blessed
- sasqateg : flat
- se'sa'toq : mess up / disarray / spread
- siguapatign : rinse (water)
- sipigpa'q : supple / flexible
- sipigpa't : supple / flexible
- sugulegaq : rotten
- sugulegat : rotten
- tegniaq : sweat
- temine'g : ripped / torn / ripped
- temine'g : ripped / torn / ripped
- tugune'g : hollow / hollow / empty headed
- tugune'g : hollow / hollow / empty headed
- waju'et : full
- wantaqo'ti : peace
- wantaqteg : quiet
- welaqapit : slightly intoxicated / feel good (from drinking)