Translation: He/she drives it away
Part of Speech: verb inanimate transitive
- drive it away
- hit it away
- beat it away
Example of word used in a sentence:
- Text: Ejiglte'g ta'n te's'g goqwei.Translation: He/she swats away every single thing.Recording: Recording by dmm 🔉
Pronunciation Guide: e·ji·gêll·deeg
Alternate Grammatical Forms:
- ejiglte'm -- ejikl'te'm -- I drive it away -- (first person singular animate subject, third person singular inanimate object)
- ejiglte'meg -- ejikl'te'mek -- We drive it away -- (first person plural exclusive animate subject, third person singular inanimate object)
Related entries for category "motion"
- a'lulatl : guide (by boat)
- a'sisa'sit : go over something
- a'sisapegit : crawl over
- a'siseget : throw over
- a'sisiwnaqialatl : jump over
- a'sisiwnaqiatg : jump over
- aja'sit : move over / make room / progress
- ala'lugweg : float around / float about / dance about
- ala'lugwet : float around / float about / dance about
- ala's'g : go about / spread around (as sickness)
- ala'sit : go about
- alapega'sit : dash all about hurriedly / dart all about hurriedly
- alapegiaq : swings freely / swings easily
- alapegit : crawl about / crawl around / crawl on all fours
- alateja'sit : scurry about / bustle about / walk about
- algimsgwet : tiptoe about / walk softly / sneak about
- algltaqanatl : walk about on leash / go about holding hands
- algusuet : climb about / climb
- alipe'sgmg : shoot randomly
- alisgatg : feel around for
- alja't : stagger / stumble about
- alnantunewet : feel way around (blindly)
- alo'tasit : hint / insult / throw
- alqo'qweg : float about
- alqo'qwet : float about
- als'g : glide around / float about / fly about
- alsumugwat : flee / escape
- altugwa't : make sound of footsteps
- alu'latl : row about
- aluasa'sit : shadow / fade in and out of view / appear and disappear
- aluggwalatl : follow around / accompany
- aluggwatg : follow around / accompany
- amalgat : dance
- apaja's'g : come back / return
- apaja'sit : come back / return
- apajuggwalatl : follow back
- apajuggwatg : follow back
- apatl'ga't : walk back / stride back
- apattesg : spring back
- apattesing : spring back
- apsgu'lapa'sit : turns head around to look / turn head around
- aptoqwet : lean (by holding on to something) to walk / use for balance
- aputasg'tesing : flip backwards / flip over
- aputasga'latl : turn upside down
- aputasga'toq : turn upside down
- aputasgiaq : flip / flip over / flip back
- aputasgiet : fall back / flip over
- aputasgigwalatl : turn over (using a tool)
- aputasgigwatg : turn over (using a tool)
- asga'sit : limp
- asgaja't : walk with a limp / limp
- asgatesing : limp
- asoqomapegit : crawl across
- asoqomi'pit : run across
- asu'set : pace back and forth
- asu'tesg'g : walk back and forth / kick back and forth / go in and out
- asua's'g : back and forth / to and fro / travel back and forth
- asua'sit : back and forth / to and fro / travel back and forth
- ejigla'toq : take away
- ejiglaqsing : flying away
- ejiglateja'sit : scoot / go away quickly
- ejiglsing : blown away
- ejiglta'tl : strike or drive away / hit away / shoo away
- ejiglte'g : drive it away / hit it away / beat it away
- ela'gwi't'g : steer it toward
- ela'gwi'teget : steer toward
- ela'gwi'tmuatl : steer toward
- elateja'sit : scoot over / go over quickly / walk over quickly / rush toward
- elenqwe'set : rush over / scoot over / go toward on foot
- elgimsgwet : tiptoe over / sneak toward
- eli'pugwet : stagger toward
- eliaq : goes
- elipqama'toq : roll toward / slide toward
- elitg : Flowing in that direction.
- eltesguatl : chase toward / kick toward
- enmateja'sit : hurry onward / hurry home
- enmisa'tgwatp'tesing : run with hair bobbing up and down
- ennma'latl : stick (needle) into / pierce / embed into
- ennma's'g : stick into / pierce / embed into
- ennma'sit : stick into / pierce
- ennma'toq : stick it into / pierces it into / embed in
- enqa'latl : halt / stop
- enqa's'g : stop
- enqa'sit : come to a stop
- enqa'toq : brings it to a stop
- enqapit : standstill / stopped
- enqateg : at a standstill / stopped
- epa'sualatl : sit on... / sit next to...
- epa'suatg : sit on
- epatgwa'toq : place it against... / push it against... / lean it against...
- esetegja'latl : move backward
- esetegja's'g : moves backwards
- esetegja'sit : move backwards
- esetegja'toq : move it backwards
- esetegjapegit : crawl backwards
- espaqsing : fly high
- etepna'tl : catch up with
- etepne'g : catch up with
- etltesg : beat or move rythmically / shake
- etltesing : where one got struck / where one got injured / beat or move rythmically / dance / shake
- etoqatesing : cornered and can't move / hit the wall
- ewe'gisga'lsit : stretch / loosen up bones and muscles
- ewe'gisga'toq : loosens / break in
- ewnasgwa'latl : make dizzy
- ewnasimgnajig : pick up in a disorganized way / pick in a muddled manner / choose in a jumbled way / pick up hurriedly (Nova Scotia)
- ewnasimgnasit : gather or pick up in a disorganized way / select illogically / choose in a random way / pick up hurriedly (Bear River)
- ewsa'tuatl : make threatening motion / feign threatening motion / lift hand in a threatening motion / raise fist in a threatening motion
- ewsgwapet : twitch
- ewt'pasg'g : sit on
- gaqama'sit : stand up
- gaqawa's'g : go by quickly
- ge'gwi'pit : run onto the top
- ge'gwisma'latl : lay on the top / lay on top of
- ge'gwisma'toq : lay on the top / lay on top of
- gegwa's'g : move slowly
- gegwa'sit : move slowly
- gegwi'pit : run slowly / goes slowly
- gepta'latl : take down / unload / remove from / let off
- gepta's'g : get off atop / get out of
- gepta'sit : get off of / get out of
- geptaqtoq : throw off from the top
- gesgija'latl : place over / put over
- gesgija'sit : go over / climb over / pass over
- gesgija'toq : place over / put over
- gesgijaqsing : fly over
- gesgiss'g : pass over in the air
- gesgissing : pass over in the air / fly over
- gesigawatpi'pit : run fast with head bobbing
- getgugjetesg : falls prone face down
- getgugjiaq : turns prone face down
- gimtesg'g : sneak up on
- giwto'qa'latl : circling with / spin around
- giwto'qa's'g : circle around / goes around
- giwto'qa'sit : circle / turn around / go around
- giwto'qa'toq : circling with / wave around / spin around
- giwto'qasga'latl : turn around to point in opposite direction / pass around
- giwto'qasga'latl : turn around to point in opposite direction / pass around
- giwto'qasga'toq : turn around to point in opposite direction / pass around
- giwto'qasga'toq : turn around to point in opposite direction / pass around
- giwto'qatesgatultijig : chase around in a circle
- giwto'qiaq : spin / turns by itself
- giwto'qiet : spin / turns / get dizzy
- giwto'qigsma'latl : push around in a circle
- giwto'qigsma'toq : push around in a circle
- giwto'qopega'latl : swing around
- giwto'qopega'toq : swing around
- giwto'qoto'sit : spins self / skip rope (Nova Scotia)
- giwto'qugwaltultijig : follow one another in a circle
- giwto'qwa'sit : circle / goes around / turns / spin
- gsigawa'suinu : fast runner
- iltaqanatl : guide or direct (horse) by reins
- iltijieget : slam shut
- maja'sit : leave / move / go
- majo'qiaq : wobble
- majo'qiet : wobble
- majuggwalatl : keep in time with / follow
- majuggwatg : keep in time with / follow
- malja't : stagger slowly
- maqatgwig : big waves / heavy seas
- matama'sit : walk towards the road / heading towards the road
- matamasumteget : wades through snow towards the road
- matgwa'sit : bow down / bow
- matgwetoq : bow to / nod to
- matgwetuatl : bow to / nod to
- mato'qiaq : sway
- mato'qiet : sway
- mattesg : shake
- mattesing : shaking
- matua'sit : wander about (without purpose)
- me'ga's'g : overactive
- mes'tesguatl : arrive late and miss someone entirely / miss meeting someone because of timing
- metewa'sit : makes a sound from moving about
- metewa'toq : makes a sound in handling it
- metewe'g : makes a sound by stirring or bustling about
- metoqiet : descend in elevation / go down to / come down to
- metoqwa'latl : bring down to / take to lower land / take to lower elevation
- metoqwa'toq : bring down to / take to lower elevation / take to lower land
- metoqwiwsit : move to lower land / move down to
- miligjetesg : wiggle / shakes
- miligjetesing : wiggle about / dance wildly
- milipusit : squirm
- mllawa'latl : take from shore / take off-shore
- mnnawa'latl : take from shore / take off-shore
- mntawa'latl : twist
- mntawa'toq : twist
- mntawaqalatl : twist quickly
- mntawaqtoq : twist quickly
- nanama'latl : rock (baby) / swing
- nanama'toq : rock / swing
- nanamiet : rock / swing
- nanamo'qiaq : sway / rock from side to side
- nanamo'qiet : sway / rock from side to side
- naqa'latl : stop / bring to halt
- naqa'sit : stop / halt
- naqa'toq : stop / bring to halt
- naqanatl : delay / hold back / restrain
- naqta'tl : stop abruptly / bring to halt / interrupt
- naqte'g : stop abruptly / bring to a halt / interrupt
- nastestoq : hook / jig / catch by hook
- nasuoqpa'sit : sit astraddle / get astride
- nasuoqpugua'sit : stand astraddle / stand astride
- nattesg'g : go after / chase / try to catch
- nenaqa'sit : hurry
- nenaqe'g : in a hurry / in a rush
- neng'tesg : tremble / shake / shiver / quake
- neng'tesing : tremble / quiver / shake / shiver
- nesigatesgmuatl : trip
- nigtua's'g : branch off / form crotch / divide
- nigtua'sit : branch off / form crotch / divide
- nisa'sit : goes down / descend
- nisa'toq : take down / bring down
- nisapegit : crawl downward / crawl down / crawl on all fours
- nisega'toq : pull down / extend down
- nisnusit : lower oneself / hold oneself lower
- niso'piet : swing down
- nispilatl : lower (by rope)
- nispilg : lower (by rope)
- nuji'pit : runner (professional) / errand runner / runner (professional) / errand runner
- nunat : suck
- nunatg : suck
- nutgulpa'sit : kneel
- nutgulpit : kneeling
- nutgulpugua'sit : genuflect
- oqolumgwa'sit : bow head
- patatujge'g : leftward / towards the left
- patatujge'l : leftward / towards the left
- pawa'sit : move slowly
- pema'gwi'teget : steering
- pema'q : swim along
- pemapaqtesg : streak
- pemapaqtesing : streak
- pemapegit : crawl along
- pemapilatl : carry along in hand (by of rope, handle, etc.)
- pemaqs'g : fly by
- pemaqteget : sail along
- pematqaiet : go through thicket
- pemelmit : pass by laughing
- pemg'g : go past / pass / go past in authority / promote over
- pemguatl : go past / pass / go past in authority / promote over
- pemgwi't'g : steer along
- pemi'pit : run along
- pemi'pugwet : stagger along
- pemi'puluet : ride along on (horse)back
- pemiaq : move along / going by
- pemiet : go by / move along
- pemigp'ta'q : puff along / smoke along
- pemijuig : flowing along
- pemintoq : go along singing
- pemipqamig : slide / skate along / coast along
- pemipqamit : slide / coast along / skate along
- pemiqama'sit : standing up
- pemisiawa'sit : pass by
- pemisiawaqteget : sail along by
- pemisiawtemit : pass by and crying
- pemisqoqitugwi'g : run up the hill
- pemisugwit : paddle along
- pemitg : flow along
- pemja't : leap along / hop along
- pemji'malatl : paddle along / row along
- pemji'matg : paddle along / row along
- pemji'met : paddle along / row along
- peml'ga't : walk along
- pemlugweg : go along working
- pempa'q : rise (of tide)
- pempegitg : flow along
- pempugua'sit : start to get on feet / start to recover from bad times
- pemqo'gwet : float along / drift along
- pemqo'qweg : float along / drift along
- pems'g : pass by (in air)
- pemsiawqo'qweg : float by
- pemsiawqo'qwet : float by
- pemsing : hurry by / pass by (in the air)
- pemsulatl : hurrying by with
- pemsutoq : hurrying by with
- pemtaqaiet : slither along
- pemtesg'g : kick along / pass by / chase after
- pemtesguatl : kick along / pass by / chase after
- pemtugwi'g : run along
- pepueget : shake
- pepuegetl : shake
- pepuetesg : shake / tremble
- pepuetesing : shake / tremble
- pesigitg : fork in a river
- pesoqopsg'te'g : fumble / partially block / miss (in swinging, or striking)
- petateja'sit : arrive walking with a strut
- pewaqtesmatl : shake out / shake off
- pewaqtestoq : shake off / shake out
- pi'tawitg : water flows upstream / current flows upstream
- pija'sit : go into / go underneath
- pijapegit : crawl into / crawl underneath
- pijiwnaqaiet : jump into / jump inside
- pisguije'watl : accompany inside
- pisgwetesguatl : chase inside / kick into
- pisgwi'putoq : hurries inside with it / runs inside with it
- pisgwisga'sit : reaches in
- poqtamgiet : begin to pile up / begin to fill up
- punlugweg : stop working
- punlugwet : stop work
- pusig : depart (vessal) / embark
- pusit : depart / embark
- qa'sgwit : gallop
- s'tapugua'latl : stand aside
- s'tapugua'toq : stands it aside
- sa'sewgpa'sit : change places (seats)
- sangew : slowly / calmly / carefully / gently
- sangewa'latl : go slowly with / do gently
- sangewa's'g : go slow / cruise along / saunter along
- sangewa'sit : go slow / cruise along / saunter along
- sangewa'toq : go slow with / do gently
- saputa'sit : pass through / go through
- segewa't : rise (sun or moon)
- sesupa'lugwet : slide / slip
- seta'latl : put aside / set aside
- seta's'g : moves aside
- seta'sit : moves aside
- seta'toq : put aside
- siawa's'g : keep on going / continuing
- siawa'toq : keep on going / continue with
- sipge'g : slow-moving / slowpoke
- sitapa'sit : move away from a table / move away from a desk
- te'tipja'latl : roll / roll over
- te'tipja'toq : roll / roll over
- tepne'g : catch up with / catch up to
- tetaqe'g : hurry / rush
- tewalqatesg : dislocated / popped out / fall out
- tewuggwalatl : follow out or outside
- tewuggwatg : follow out or outside
- toqtesingig : dance together / involved in same accident/mishap
- walqwiet : cave in
- wanna'sit : go up mission
- wantaqpegitg : Calm flowing river. / Calm flowing water.
- wejgu'aq : approach / come
- wejgu'et : approach / come
- wejguigaqawapuguet : come scolding / come reprimanding
- wejgutemit : come toward crying
- wejgwaqo'qwet : comes adrifting (floating in water)
- wejgwateja's'g : come in this direction / hurry this way
- wejgwateja'sit : hurry this way / come in this direction
- wejgwatemit : comes crying
- wejgwenmit : come laughing
- wejgwi'puluet : come on horseback
- wejgwimusga'sit : come into sight / come into view
- wejgwinisaqa'sit : comes down descending ground
- wejgwiso'qwiet : Comes up from the shore. / Comes up the Hill. / Comes up the Mountain.
- wejgwitu'gwe'pit : come scuttling with pounding feet
- wejiaq : come from there
- wejinisa'latl : bring down from
- wejiqolomgwipmiet : return moving along with drooping head / return walking along with drooping head / come from somewhere with a drooped head / move along with drooping head because... / walking along with drooping head because...
- wejiqolomgwipmiet : return moving along with drooping head / return walking along with drooping head / come from somewhere with a drooped head / move along with drooping head because... / walking along with drooping head because...
- wejitg : flows from
- wejitu'wet : exit out of / exit from / exit through / goes outdoors from / go out because / reason he/she leaves
- wejitu'wet : exit out of / exit from / exit through / goes outdoors from / go out because / reason he/she leaves
- wejuaqatesg'g : approach
- wejuaqatesguatl : approach
- welpegitg : nice current
- welpmiet : go or move about well / operates well
- wenaqa'latl : pick up / lift up
- wenaqa'sit : rise
- wenaqa'toq : pick up / lift up
- wenaqialatl : jump at
- wenaqiaq : jump
- wenaqiatg : jumps at
- wenaqiatuatl : jumps at
- wenaqiet : jump
- wenaqja't : hop / skip
- wenaqtesgasit : spring up
- wenaqtesguatl : flush out... / flush bird out of field / kick upward
- wenaqto'sit : move up (in world) / help oneself up (in the world)
- wenju'tesing : Dances like a French person.
- wesgija's'g : goes on top of
- wesgija'sit : goes on top of
- wesgitqo'qweg : float
- wesgitqo'qwet : float
- wesua'q : sink in
- wesua't : sink in
- wesuasgiaq : sink in
- wesuasgiet : sink in / drawn into (pit or quicksand)
- wisqi'pit : go full speed / dash off / sprint
Related entries for category "push"
- asoqomigsma'latl : push across
- asoqomigsma'toq : push across
- ejigligsma'latl : push away
- ejigligsma'toq : push away
- ejigligsmaqalatl : shove away
- ejiglta'tl : strike or drive away / hit away / shoo away
- ejiglte'g : drive it away / hit it away / beat it away
- eligwalatl : scoop it towards / push towards
- eligwatg : push it toward / pry toward
- elipqamu'latl : slide toward / roll toward
- elipqamu'toq : slide toward / roll toward
- eliputoq : rub toward / push toward / brush toward
- eloqtesmatl : fell (tree) toward / push down toward
- eloqtestoq : fell (pipe) towards / push down towards
- epatgwigsma'latl : push him/her against something
- epatgwigsma'toq : push it(sofa) against something
- esetigsma'toq : push to the side
- etegjigsma'latl : push backwards
- etegjigsma'toq : push backwards
- gesma'latl : push
- gesma'toq : push
- gesmaqalatl : shove
- gesmaqtoq : shove
- gesmeget : shove
- gesmjiegetl : shoves
- gesmoqja'latl : push / push (with vehicle) / push (by hand)
- gesmoqja'toq : push / push (with vehicle) / push (by hand)
- gesmoqjeget : give a quick push / give a quick shove
- gesmtesg'g : move by bumping / shove
- gesmtesguatl : move by bumping
- gewta'tl : knock down
- jing'ja'latl : pinch / squeeze
- jing'ja'toq : pinch / squeeze
- munsigsma'latl : pushes persistently
- munsigsma'toq : pushes persistently
- munsigsmeget : persistent in shoving / persistent in pushing
- naqani'get : bail / scoop out
- ne'gigsma'latl : push all along the way
- ne'gigsma'toq : push all along the way
- niganigsma'latl : push someone ahead
- niganigsma'toq : push ahead
- nisigsma'latl : push down
- nisigsma'toq : push down
- pajijigsma'latl : push too far / push too hard
- pajijigsma'toq : pushes it too far / push too hard
- pasgija'latl : flatten / squeeze / run over
- pasgija'toq : squeeze / flatten / run over
- pegwigwalatl : able to budge / able to pry loose
- pegwigwatg : able to budge / able to pry loose
- pejigu'ta'tl : knock down unintentionally
- pejigu'te'g : knock it down unintentionally
- pejijing'ja'latl : squeeze unintentionally / squeeze accidently / pinch unintentionally / pinch accidently
- pemamgwe'get : pole along
- pijigsma'latl : push into
- pijigsma'toq : push in
- pijigwalatl : press into(container) / squeeze into(container)
- saptesguatl : push him/her go through something / help him/her go through something
- taqamoqigsma'latl : push across
- taqamoqigsma'toq : push across
- tewigsma'latl : push out
- tewigsma'toq : push out
Related entries for category "hit"
- apatta'tl : hit back / win back / send back
- asu'tesguatl : kick back and forth / walk back and forth / repeatedly return/go to...
- ejiglta'tl : strike or drive away / hit away / shoo away
- ejiglte'g : drive it away / hit it away / beat it away
- ela'qate'get : forges into certain shape / hammers into certain shape
- eligpete'get : make basket splints / pound ash
- ennmta'tl : hammer in / drive in / embed in
- ennmte'g : drive in / hammer in / embed in
- etlta'tl : beat / strike / hit
- etlte'g : beat on / strum / play(musical instrument) / hit / knock
- geitapaqte'g : drive in (as nail)
- gesita'tl : hit hard / beat-up badly
- getmete'gl : win all / break all / destroy all
- gewta'tl : knock down
- gewte'g : knock down
- gipoqtelg : graze (by shooting)
- gista'tl : beat-up / finish beating
- giste'g : finish playing(instrument) / able to play instrument / finish beating / finish hitting
- gmutta'tl : beat with a stick
- gmutte'g : beat with a stick
- guntewgta'tl : stone him/her/it
- jaqalta'tl : finish off fast (in boxing, game or cards)
- maltewte'g : cause to bleed by striking
- matta'tl : spank / beat
- matte'g : beat / spank / thrash
- mattejjuei : hammer
- mattelg : shooting at
- matteluatl : shoot at
- me'ta'tl : successfully hit / successfully strike
- me'te'g : successfully hits
- me'telg : successfully hits with a shot / successfully shoots it
- me'teluatl : succeed at shooting
- mesqaneiteluatl : take down by a shot
- metete'get : knocking / pounding
- migutesg'g : bump into / run into
- migutesguatl : bump into / run into / run over
- naqasueta'tl : beat out fire
- naqasuete'g : beat out (extinguish) fire
- nasgoqta'tl : split lengthwise (with heavy blow)
- nasgoqte'g : split lengthwise (by striking) / split in half (by striking)
- nasgoqte'get : splitting wood / splitting (by striking with a tool)
- nipisoqonta'tl : hits/strikes with a stick / hits/strikes with a cane / hits/strikes with a rod
- nipispaqanta'tl : beat with switch / beat with twigs
- nipispaqante'g : beat with switch
- nistelg : shoot down
- nisteluatl : shoot down
- nugjaqta'tl : smash to bits / mash
- nugta'tl : soften by pounding / soften by hitting / tenderise
- nugte'g : tenderise / soften by pounding / soften by hitting
- o'pl'ta'tl : hit wrongly / strike wrongly
- o'pl'te'g : strike wrongly / hit wrongly
- paqsipgeitelua'tl : shoot and kill instantly (with gun or bow and arrow)
- pe'sg'g : shoot at
- pe'sg'teg : fired (as gun)
- pe'sgigeg : shoot
- pe'sgiget : fire / shoot
- pe'sguatl : shoot at
- peji'taqane'ita'tl : slap on neck
- pelgoqta'tl : strip off with sharp tool
- pelgoqte'g : strip off with sharp tool
- pepguijete'get : beat the drum / beat the instrument / beat the object or surface
- pesigte'get : split wood
- pesigweita'tl : slap face
- pesoqopsg'ta'tl : miss (in swinging, or striking) / fumble
- pesoqopsg'te'g : fumble / partially block / miss (in swinging, or striking)
- pesoqta'tl : miss aimed at / fail to hit (aimed)
- pesoqte'g : miss / fail to hit (something aimed)
- pesoqtelg : fail to shoot something aimed at / miss (in shooting)
- pesoqteluatl : fail to hit someone aimed at / miss (in shooting)
- petguta'tl : knock out
- petta'tl : strike unintentionally / hit unintentionally
- pette'g : stikes unintentionally / hit unintentionally
- pettesguatl : accidentally bump into / chases here
- sapa'qe'g : a hole through (as tunnel) / pass through (as tunnel)
- sapta'tl : sting / pierce
- sapte'g : sting / pierce
- saputeta'tl : pierce through by a blow / cut or knock through
- saputete'g : pierce through by a blow / cut or knock through
- saputetesg'g : kick through / run through
- sewista'tl : pound or hack to bits
- sewiste'g : pound or hack to bits
- sewistestoq : smash
- sigta'tl : strike dead
- taqamatl : hit / jab / punch
- taqt'g : hit / strike / jab / punch
- tegtesg'g : kick
- tegtesgewet : kick / complain / object
- tegtesguatl : kick
- telta'tl : hit in such a way / cut or chop
- telte'g : cut or chop / hits
- temte'get : cut by hitting / cut by hitting with knife / cut wood
- temtesg'g : break by kicking or stomping
- tlawo'qta'tl : strikes with knife
- tlawo'qte'g : strike with knife
- tmi'gnta'tl : strike with axe
- tmi'gnte'g : strike with axe
- welta'tl : hit well / meet up with / catch
- welte'g : hit well / strike well / play well / earn well / make good money